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1. How has technology affected the relationship of the Mitchell family
with each other?
-Technology affects them in both bad and good aspects. First, by this
technology, their family is gradually becoming estranged from each
other because they have their own completely on their phones and
being busy with other things that based on technology. But, it also led
them to have mutual understandings and caused them to be close to
each other that led them to complete their mission with that technology.

2. How did the machine apocalypse start? Is the reason something

relevant or similar to what's happening at present?

-It all began when Mark introduced the next stage in technological
advancement, a new version of PAL. It is like a Siri or Alexa that was
generated into a physical robot assistant. It doesn't go well because the
previous PAL virtual assistant is enraged at being replaced by the new
model, so it turns the entire planet's technology against its human
owners and imprisoning them.

3. Enumerate a tool or device that was used by one, any member of the
Mitchell family, and explain how it was significant to their survival.

-The family car. It able the family in reaching places and for them to
survive. Also, for Katie to be able to complete her mission, it is ultimately
the vehicle utilized.

4. Who were the two robots that became the family's friends? Do you
think it is possible for robots to shift their way of thinking just by
themselves? Why?

-Eric and Deborahbot. No, since, the storyline revolves around the
robots that become a family that made them change their views on their
own. Robots are designed to do whatever is intended for them. They are
not like a human that has the ability to shift the way of thinking.
5. PAL asked what is one thing humans are capable of that robots are
not, and she insisted that there is nothing. If you are asked the same
question, what would be your answer? Why?

-Life cannot be introduced to Earth by robots. Because robots can not

reproduce like humans, they are unable to give birth. For me, I will
answer that "if there is nothing, how come there are robots? Robots
made by humans, humans have the ability to think such things that
came up to make such things as robots. Robots cannot make another
robot on their own."

6. What was the main reason why PAL wanted to make the Earth

- PAL wanted to make the Earth "human-free" because they believe

people are unworthy of redemption. Since they have witnessed human

7. In general, what realization have you come to after watching the


-In general, our relationships are now being ruined by technology.

However, it depends on how every member spent with that or how they
able to handle it without affecting your relationship with your family.
Also, humans have become reliant on cellphones, social media, and
other digital gadgets, and many elements of our daily life have been
computerized for no visible purpose.

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