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In day to day life, helmet had made compulsory for all the riders of two wheeler, But Many

people who don’t wear helmets have what they consider to be a good reason not to.
Some say they are uncomfortable. Some don’t like having their hair squished down on their way
to their destination. Some say it reduces their ability to see around them. Some (especially
children and teens) say that wearing a helmet makes them look uncool etc..
Number of road accidents has been increased from last few years. It is very necessary to generate
awareness in people to wear helmets avoid injuries in road accidents, in World Health
organization (WHO) India meets two out of seven vehicle standards with respect to vehicle
safety. Crash record shows that 25% of deaths are caused due to not wearing of helmets by the
motorcycle riders the main cause of these fatalities, people riding two wheeler are influenced
with alcohol consumption which results in traffic rule violence and also have more chances of
The survivals of fatalities wearing helmets are higher as compared to the people who doesn’t
wear helmet during the ride. Thus this project has been proposed, which gives the safety aspects
for online working delivery boys by making them to wear helmet compulsory and by checking
the aspect of alcohol consumption and speed detection by storing the activities in the database of
the rider.

The project aims to provide total safety for bike riders in this project there are two modules
namely helmet and vehicle module, helmet will have control over the vehicle start and stop. In
Helmet the sensor module is built using sensors like alcohol sensor and touch sensor. These
sensors are connected to RF transmitter. Sensor module will be placed in the helmet to detect
weather a person worn helmet are not, once the person wear the helmet the signals gets
transmitted. The module in the bike allows the rider to start the vehicle once the module receives
signals from helmet unit.

The status of helmet worn is uploaded to user’s database. In case of alcohol consumption the
vehicle remains off though helmet is worn and status is uploaded to database. The rash driving
detection is done using accelerometer sensor the server is maintained by company authorities
looking at database the rider status is tracked and required measures are taken. In case of helmet
lost android app is provided to ignite the vehicle through password.

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