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Not For Most People

I honestly think I am a low-key type of person. Needing for attention is the last
thing I want. Although I realized while growing up, that I am quite noticeable since I
have a weird sense of style. I do not like blending in and I always tend to prefer the
unusual stuff. I do not like blending in because ever since I can remember, I have
this perception that trying to blend in is boring and sickening. I am proud to say that I
always have my own original way of expressing myself. My sense of individuality
radiates a lot of times, both consciously and unconsciously. I always believe I can do
better than anyone else especially when it comes to art and its every form. Albeit I
am having a hard time expressing especially when I am not inspired or I find the
situation dull or boring or not worth it.

However, I don’t always radiate this energy and expect people to like it. Most
people don’t, but I am not for most people and that is fine. I learned this the hard
way. As mentioned previously, needing for attention or even liking it is not my thing.
Not being liked is okay, as long you’re not causing harm to others. I express myself
because I love myself and not for other people. If they like it and compliment me, I
thank them for it. Otherwise, I do not pay attention to what they say since I do not
really care in the first place. Most people see me as weird since I do not follow the
“natural” way or follow the stereotypes, I do things my own way. This kind of attitude
gets me in trouble sometimes but if it means I‘m being myself, then it’s more than
worth it.

I just hope that most people will eventually try to accept “differences”. Most
people especially here in our country have toxic traits that are suffocating to younger
generations. Younger generations respect traditions but it is not wrong to try and do
“new things”. The world is changing and nowadays, people have the courage to fight
for their rights as an individual. It would be very harmonious for everybody if we
would just try to understand one another and refrain from being judge mental
towards people that are a little bit different from us. Embrace change and generate

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