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Name : Puti Meilani

Class : B Regular
NIM : 3300200119

1. Get Ready
1. to regulate the behavior of entrepreneurs and consumers to some extent. These business
arrangements bind and control the behavior of people in the business environment.
2. by understanding everything related to activities in running a business as seen from the
formal business law contained in the law.

2. Reading
1. TRUE _ the attorney works for a goverments agency .
2. FALSE _ the attorney repsensents bussiness that did not comply with regulations.
3. TRUE _ the attorney is unable to negotiate with government agencies.

3. Vocabulary
1. Tony needs to get a (regulation / license) in order to open his own business.
- License
2. Having a large (bureaucracy / disciplinary action) makes completing even simple tasks take a
long time.
- Bureaucracy
3. Since Graham is being charged with negligence, it may (negotiate / jeopardize) his business.
- Jeopardize
4. City (regulations / accreditations) state that all dogs must be on a leash in the park.
- Eegulations
5. The business owners were able to (resolve / negotiate) a contract that was fair for both of
- Resolve

1. Tom wants to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible.
A negotiate ✓
B jeopardize
C resolve

2. The agency forced the business owner into agreeing to follow the rules by threatening a
A icense
B disciplinary action
C compliance ✓
3. Before Karen is able to open the children's nursery, she has to get official certification to
A bureaucracy
B accreditation ✓
C compliance

4. John has a new job with a federal department

A govermment agency
B disciplinary action
C compliance issue ✓

5. The agency took steps to correct and punish wrongdoing against the business.
A bureaucracy ✓
B license
C disciplinary action

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