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Analyzing the Internet as an Agent of Childhood Socialization

Sociologist use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which

people develop their human potential and learn culture. Social experience is also the foundation

of personality, a person’s fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling. (Macionis)

This article will explore the role of mass media as an agent of socialization, focusing on the

influence of television and the internet.

Somewhere around the age of 2 or 3 children in our society first encounter the

media as an agent of socialization. Initially television was the first media young children were

exposed to. The internet has now become as popular if not more popular than television. Many

of the messages and values carried by the media are powerful and seductive. These messages

and values challenge or directly contradict what parent’s teach their children. People use media

within a social realm, and children are no exception. Social context of media usage, especially

parental influence, are crucial in children’s social development.

Socialization comes through from children’s shows, cartoons, and, most especially

commercials. Socialization comes through the characters, images, words, and narrative story

lines. Some media specifically acts to be an agent of socialization such as Sesame Street but

most only strive to be entertainment. The internet has multiple sites that correlate with television

programs such as Sesame St., NikJr and PBS programs. Children can not only watch the

program but interact with the characters through the internet site.

The internet provides many opportunities for learning. Preschool age children are now

using the internet not only at home with their family but also in daycare and preschool settings. I

remember my first computer experience was when I was 3 years old and attending daycare.
Children need time to play creatively and to share their interventions and discoveries. They need

parents and caregivers to participate in their play. They need lots of opportunities to make

decisions, and to take turns and to master an activity. ( Young children are learning

basics such as shapes, colors, and numbers using games. Multiple areas are targeted including

Math, Science, Reading and Language, Fitness and Nutrition, Spelling, History, Geology,

Geography, Biology and even Foreign Languages. Within these areas are different levels of

instruction for different age groups.

While the internet can provide many opportunities for learning it can also expose children

to potentially negative content. The internet not only provides significant benefits for children,

such as research access, socialization, entertainment, and a communication tool with families,

but it also connotes negative aspects such as violence, pornography, hate sites, isolation,

predators, and commercialism. (Cho & Cheon)

There is an increasing concern from teachers, physician’s, and parents about the negative

effects of using the internet on the physical, cognitive, and social development of children. One

of the most serious concerns regarding children’s social development involves around the easy

accessibility of negative conduct on the internet. Examples include violence, hate speech,

inappropriate language and acts. Children’s exposure to inappropriate content can yield negative

outcomes such as increased aggression, fear, desensitization, poor grades, negative self-esteem

and self-perception.

The internet can have a very positive effect on children and socialization. Childhood is

all about exploration. Through the interactive world of technology, our children are being

shaped by their exploration of computers and the internet. The internet can enhance the
development of the child’s physical, cognitive and social skills. Through play children can find

inspiration, stimulate the imagination, explore the world, meet others and gain new experiences.

Internet use in the classroom allows children to work together, encouraging the sharing of ideas

and cooperative learning. Children get interested because they can make things happen with the

internet. It is a powerful tool revolutionizing children’s learning, communication and play.

The internet can serve as a medium for acceptable social interaction. It allows children to

socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms, and instant messaging,

increasing the development of communication and social skills. The internet today is part of our

children’s natural environment.

I believe that the internet enhances cultural traditions. The internet is bringing children

all around the world together not only for communication and socialization but also for learning

and sharing of new ideas and experiences. Parental control must be maintained to prevent

exposure to inappropriate or negative sites. The internet in the home, school or daycare setting

can be used to enhance the learning abilities of children of all ages. The computer and internet

are here to stay and we need to continue to develop new websites and encourage usage of these

sites for our future children.

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