KSM Starter

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Le aude: eet Lag Bele) re m@ol calc} KSM Starter the primary launchpad on Kusama network 7 Introduction eS cicg rier 2 Eeerenn a fared) c See ey Teco cM Relics 6 Features of KSM Starter EM’ EM Ecosystem Council 7 Ble) Cito lec} 8 rey Introduction eee m Mla) os-[e| KSM Starter is the primary launchpad on Kusama that supports upcoming projects Rene ene eae ere ce ee cee ee ee ae ek es CO rem ene acetic e co ee econ cod to exploring the possibility of joining the intricate Kusama ecosystem. Moreover, Dregs cate gee see nae experts and already established projects to continue building and delivering superior eect tee ke Aa AU anne On Eee aT Re ee uC St ae cea supporter of a project by voting in favaur of the IDO and receiving allocation incentives. 2. Secure - KST provides an initial audit to make sure the project is secure from any possible eee eae eC Ee See eee Lr) Deen ceca 4, Strong Contributors - IDO participants are incentivised with higher allocation win rate by holding any of the previous IDO tokens. It creates a mutually beneficial and strategically Cte een oars Cte eee ee ome eae ek eee oe cae a support and capital for projects building on Substrate. While various launchpads and crowdfunding platforms have demonstrated great, See an aeeRee ner eet ee Rane cen) holders have limitations in participating and contributing to the ecosystem, exposing the projects to enormous difficulty in scaling and truly making a digital impact. 5 Erect Nim ele 4 AU oe decentralized TREN d Teele ILL for crypotraders. SPUR MC e eo LUMI NLL) the following: . aad Cee ena ead Pees enc ene eee eee eee eee es rence Ce eet eee ee et CoC cca countries, many centralized exchanges restrict people ene ee Lee ceca) exchange) invites users to its platform regardless of Te ee eee ea Ace Conecny eee Ina DEX, your funds are completely secured in your hands. Cee a CR cg Oona Ras Te ee nue Td Ce Me eee Ce Tg SE eae CO RE auc and growth of different types of platforms UR MLL) Eee tae) ool od pe eee aes Rae eager ae Cle coile) $21B $4.0B lume last? days) ume last 7 day 37% Cee Oe TOS Pas Perens eeu eatery ecm a Chee ee Una) becomes more user friendly, profits from ey ee eee liquidity deepens. Seer es Sere cry existing CEX (centralized exchange) business models, the most prominent one being initial Detect ate aed rere Ruane Rte becomesan ideal environment fornew tokens and projects to be offered in the market. Cea ‘ooo | PAID. ory Premera nae) rear ern vn ans ‘Y Platform Ere Peer Ee ee cy different blockchain platforms where they are raising thousands of dollars backed bya single whitepaper and few eee The factors that make IDO sustainable ETO Ree 1e (een a) following: These IDO platforms are becoming the starting point for Cee eee cece SOT Ree ae Ce seen 5-6 1D0 platforms emerging in the market and Cena Flexibility Retail investors need not to wait for their projects to be listed on an exchange. Liquicity is provided immediately Pe ea eee ee em eed to be flexible and active in trading and investment. Su ey Since DEX provides liquidity right in the beginning of the launch, most projects can theoretically make an exit for investors. Moreover, projects will immediately offer staking programsto incentivize holding and also liquidity providing and mining programs to make their price and Dea eee ee DO Cea a A project can conduct their fundraisings on different Fee Re ae Se ec Cee ee menace eee and usher funds to early projects. This gives projects Tr eee ee Erect Opportunity of High ROI for retail investors a 625255 cs es ed TronP2d (5) uN 2362 rr 2 ZENOIT (19) ea i ac —— io See BSCPad (31) mass Cet) i a Sa Ok rere Pee ore a 250595 EOE Rare fee ae we Rem ec ene cs Peewee ee eee moves with their market capitulation. Oe een Reece anus Cay Problems YS oy) advantages, the current IDO model has the following drawbacks: Pee Current IDO platforms are not community driven. Pee mS en) DMC ee eee ee ete OSes et meagan the central operation of the IDO platform and thus cannot be sufficiently regarded as true governance. eee eee ue on eee Poe eee as ont ee ea aD pelt eee ue os CORES aco Most IDO launchpads remain as a funding platform. ee ea eck ed tania Pra Re ek or ee ements completing the full cycle of true launch, Tle cey Most IDO launchpads rely on the manual actions of its usersto complete the IDO. As there isan increasing Dee orem OEM te incorporated these ideas as it does not serve their current goal despite potential benefits to the retail ee em epee Re Rep eeMeqeie east aes ammtaD ee ee a eee PML Lu ea tog ey Peed ey eg ena ege eee eed pO eee eta fee Tt eee ooo Pe eae ey oriented traders to engage in high-risk activities for unclear incentives, atthe lear cost of thenewiy launched project. experience. Cc ence CeCe es om eae Ethereum, can be used by emerging projects to connect and build upon without the need for parachain. Projects. Cte ee eet eed Eien But then why does Kusama need KSM Starter? PIC ese ea ema cs sad Cee eI ee cet se Ru) Sea eee promoter all at once. Securinga slot does not provide a Reena Dee ees ego Pee ae set ede eer a CO et Rest cece Cea Pee es reece Kusama, This s where KSM Starter offers a solution. eee eu Reece theyare building, how they are bulldingand even together CO ee eee aod Ee eee ce projects and nurture their growth within Kusama, COU ance Moreover the features of KST can solve the problems mentioned above. COUT See ne ome cect ery Coen ete seter aed Re enero allocation incentives. EUrasg Sect) to other IDO projects on the market is Sten te Dee ecco ess pre ne Rue cic Dee ca aos Pee Rn naa i eccrine ec) ey Oeste Sette eo Ecosystem Council. AY eee teu T io IDO participants are incentivised with eee eee acy Ee rere One Me tend Came an Re ae geen cs eco KST Architecture Ete een ete) Eres tes cats Pe eee emcee Rt cannes theneed for parachain, Projects can connect erence eee en une) Eien es 10 Cem Seon) TU ee cea yack oie ac cued een tec Tee eee Eat tooling that enables them to raise funds and ET rere Oe USL eS Cae ieee roms Cc ence ye Poe OSC geste Oe uens Oe eee recs Oeneriae cd Hawk Level: OSES oe Oana Oe eect One ae ne Phoenix Level: ASTER ce Oct ie aa actos Pee i A Ces Sarna ec @ Auto-invest function: No. @ Make sure to have Allocation Cee et Sb Pon SSE SER Oe eeat crass @ Make sure to have Allocation erent arene ied a | Peer’ Pomemties Land eed Ce Cote) A eee reed Coat Seer A oad eee onc Peri) err ney ert oerng Pereira) Peeters Pospnoorines Pen ers Petia) ee ere ee ee) poate Coed emetic See eens Peeteny ee creepers peericsecsetereecta ed Monthy Ce rererern cd Pee eee errno Eee eon Coe eet) Dez Cie en Community Incentives 1,110,000 Sort eo Ter See) wuiacpore wwe ores po E EI SORTA a < BlockDesk \/]« ae eras eS) 1 2 LASWGI 19} DUTCH aT) Vet LOD ans Ni Se POSE Ol eas * ors boots Fi ea a sk } 1; AUTONOMY CAPITAL aS rm Oo rant BIG SMO a PU aRens QUDAX Ce Coney oeTr Cerca ee outs sale with KST token. [rely Poe cae PePiory Cee cia) Crees EeIn een ec) BTCr ee Eeity Cee est Ty CreTory Pee cet Prrroly Peete ote) Cee een rsh eee Corio Pees

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