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Profit Overview

When wrapping a project it is good practice to have a clear record of the profits,
money in vs out, and who was paid out when

Project Title: XXXXXXXX

Project Award Date: XX/XX/XX
Total Awarded Budget: $XXX,XXX.XX

Production Fee:
Percent: XX%
Amount: $XXX.XX

Production Insurance:
Percent: XX%
Amount: $XXX.XX

Production Savings:
Amount: $XXX.XX

Production Fee breakdown:

Production Co:
Percent: 10%
Amount: $XXX.XX

EP Fees:
Percent: XX%
Amount: $XXX.XX

Paid to: Name

Date Paid: XX/XX/XX
Check Number: XXXX

Total Profit:
Amount: $XXX.XX
Date Transfered to account: XX/XX/XX

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