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Morphology 1

Lecture 1-4 – Homework

1. Homework on countable and uncountable nouns: look up these nouns in the dictionary and write the
explanation for the countable and uncountable sense with one example sentence for each of them.
Good online dictionaries:
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 [uncountable]the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting,
drawing or sculpture
Her performance displayed great art.
 [uncountable]the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study
She's good at art and design.
 [countable,usually plural]the subjects you can study at school or university that are not scientific,
such as languages, history or literaturean arts degree
[C] An activity through which people express particular ideas: Drama is an art that is traditionally
performed in a theatre.
1. bone 13. hope
2. brick 14. thought
3. cake 15. activity
4. hair 16. decision
5. noise 17. kindness
6. sound 18. language
7. space 19. country
8. time 20. cold
9. fire
10. war
11. work
12. duty

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