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Erica Mae L.

BSED-English II
Sir Ludwig Gamad:CN-5440
Assignment #3

List down the races of men. Include a short description for each

1.) Negroid (Black)- It was introduced by early Racial science used to refer to the
Black race. One of the proposed three major races of human kind. This was refer
to the populations that share certain phenotypic traits such as high Melanin levels
(dark skin) and skeletal features associated with ancestry from sub- Saharan

2.) Australoid Race- Is an outdated historical groupings of various people indigenous

to Melasian and Australian. It describes the tribes of population of the type of
native Australians. This was introduced by Thomas Huxley in 1870 refer to certain
peoples indigenous to south and southeast Asia and Oceania

3.) Capoid( Bushmen/hottentos) race- These people had formely been regarded as a
sub-type of the historical racial category negroid. negroid this new division was
proposed because of the very different appearance of those of the capoid race
from others of what was formerly called the Negroid race. Coon argued that the
term Negroid race should be abandoned, and the people of that race who are not
capoids should be termed the congoid race.

4.) Mongoloid(Asiatic-American race)- One of the large races of mankind. The

members of this race have coarse straight (sometimes wavy) black hair, dark
eyes, swarthy, often yellowish skin, a scanty tertiary hair cover, prominent cheek-
bones, a somewhat flat face, generally a low nose bridge, and an epicanthus and
strongly developed fold of the upper eyelid. The Mongoloid race is found in Asia
and America (Indians). It is subdivided into several smaller races: North Asiatic,
Arctic, South Asiatic, Far East, and American.

5.) The Caucasian race also Caucasoid or Europid - Is an outdated grouping of

human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon which,
depending on which of the historical race classifications is used, has usually
included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western
Asia, Central Asia, South .

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