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Kabir Das: The Cultural Context of his Writings

Parul Bhateja, Research Scholar,

(, 9953650000,9654650000)
Department of English, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research &
Faridabad, Haryana
Dr. Suchitra Vashisth, Associate Professor
(, 9870890070)
Department of English, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research &
Faridabad, Haryana

Culture is the lifeblood of a society that showcases or preserves the heritage, customs,
beliefs or arts of a country. It fosters the young minds of a nation leading to the cultural
as well as economic growth. Literary figures like poets and authors play a crucial role in
nurturing the roots of the culture of a society. While tracing India’s cultural history we
at times come across the teachings of famous mystic poet Kabir Das who is known for
his phenomenal verses and their messages in-depth. The culture of India has always
transmitted the message to remain united and stay grounded. Kabir was more of a
humanist than a poet. His teachings were not confined to the praise of a particular
religion or culture. Instead, he was the producer of universal religion. The verses of
Kabir were alluring and loaded with the essence of all major religions of India. He is
credited to set up such a unique culture that whosoever imbibes its principles, turns out
to be a refined soul. Moreover, his teachings proved fruitful for both Hindus and
Muslims mainly in the times of divisive politics.
KEY WORDS: Culture, Humanist, Religion, Universal, Mystic
INTRODUCTION: The term culture has a deep-rooted meaning. It not only defines
who we are but also provides us with a unique identity

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