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1. Advantages and disadvantages of having pets. Discuss

2. What makes you happy?
3. Do you think that speaking foreign languages is important? Why?
4. What should be changed in our society? Discuss
5. Is it important to follow a healthy diet? Discuss.
6. Would you like to live for ever? Why?
7. Is there any kind of discrimination in our society? Discuss
8. How do animals help people? Explain
9. What travel destinations would you like to visit? Give reasons
10. A balanced diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Discuss.
11. What kind of TV programmes or series do you like best? Why?
12. Would you like to study abroad? Give reasons.
13. Do you consider new technologies necessary for everyday life? Give reasons
14. Discuss the pros and cons of the use of smartphones.
15. Practising sports or playing videogames? Discuss.
16. Do you think you are a lucky person? Why?
17. Do you think you are a lucky person? Why?
18. Nowadays, boys and girls have the same opportunities in life. Discuss.
19. What can you do to keep healthy and/or fit?
20. Do you prefer watching films/videos/series or reading books? Explain why.
21. Eating at home or eating out. Discuss.
22. What do you think about first love experiences?
23. Do you think that being a teenager is easy? Explain.
24. People should use public transport instead of private vehicles. Do you agree? Explain
25. What do you think about phubbing?
26. Write about something unusual that happened to you or to someone you know.
27. Describe how you would like your life to be in 10 or 20 years from now
28. Social networks like Facebook are important in today’s world. Discuss
29. As a tourist, which places would you like to visit or which activities would you like to do? Explain
30. Do you think parents should limit the time their children spend on the computer? Discuss.
31. Would you change anything in your life (or in the way you currently live) if you could? Explain
32. Do you think women and men have the same opportunities in life?
33. Tattoos, piercings, clothes, hairstyle, … do you like to follow trends? Explain.
34. What types of films do you prefer? Explain
35. Do you prefer conventional or extreme sports? Explain your answer
36. The importance of keeping fit. Discuss.
37. What do you think about electronic forms of communication such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.?
38. Write about a book, movie, TV series... that you have enjoyed.

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