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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para la Educación

U. 4to año “C”

Guía de repaso


Caracas, 29 de octubre del 2021

Presente Simple.
1) The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.
La Luna es el único satélite natural de la tierra.
2) Every 365 days a year.
Cada 365 días al año.
3) I have three meals every day.
Yo tengo tres comidas todos los días.
4) Walk straight along this road, continue on this side of the road until you see the
traffic lights and then take the second on the left.
Siga recto por esta carretera, continúe por este lado de la carretera hasta que vea
el semáforo y luego tome el segundo a la izquierda.
5) Next Sunday is the baseball game!
El próximo domingo es el juego de béisbol.

Pasado Simple.
6) A year ago, I ate in that restaurant.
Hace un año, comí en ese restaurante.
7) In 1970, The Beatles split up.
En 1970, Los Beatles se separaron.

Futuro Simple.
8) We will organize next year's trip.
Organizaremos el viaje del próximo año.
9) I will help you with your homework.
Te ayudaré con tu tarea.
10) Martha won't pick us up at the cinema.
Martha no nos recogerá en el cine.
11) We shall leave tomorrow morning.
Saldremos mañana por la mañana.

1. She is my sister
they was running on the road
we will be at the beach all weekend

2. I have a lot of homework and little desire to do it

I had thought about that a lot
I will have a new phone

3. I walk to the school

I walked on the mountains yesterday
I will walk in the mornings

4. She is a good friend

he was a great player
they will be very good friends

5. she is my best friend

they was very close to the lake
they will be boyfriends

6.I eat a lot of carrots

Yesterday I had pasta with meat.
I'll eat pastiche
7. They are split up
they was split up
they will going to split up

8. I organize my class schedule

organize my desk
I will to organize a party

9. I help my brothers with their homework

I helped my mom around the house
I will help my grandmother with the purchases

10. I pick up the kids from school

I picked up my sister from her class
I'll pick up my books at the library

11. I go leave with my classmates

yesterday I went leave with my grandmother
tomorrow I will go leave with my family

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