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Finanace KPIS


1 Free cash flow: amount of money remaining after capital expenditures

Debt to equity ratio: ratio of company’s total liabilities against shareholder equity
2 Return on equity: measure of financial performance based on net income divided by shareholder equity
Profit margin: ratio of profit (value of total sales minus total expenditure) divided by revenue before or after tax (as specified)
3 Cost of goods sold: cost of manufacturing the products a business sells (excludes marketing, sales, and administration expenses)
Quick ratio: current assets/current liabilities – a financial ratio used to determine a company’s liquidity
4 Current credit during last month / Total purchasing during last month
Sales KPIS

1 Value of new products’ profit for 3 months / Value of total products profit

2 Value of company sale at internal pharma market during last 3 months / Total sale at internal pharma market during last 3 month s

3 Value of canceled invoice to customer during last 3 months / Value of company total sale during 3 months

4 Total value of wasted materials for 1 month / Total value of materials for 1 month

5 Value of exported pharma products during last three months /Total value of pharma products exported during 3 months

6 Value of sales during last 3 month / Value of inventories at stock during last 3 month


1 Employee turnover rate: percentage of employees who left against total employees
Absenteeism rate: percentage of employees who are absent over a given time period
2 Revenue per employee: total revenue divided by total employee strength
Cost per hire: total cost of hiring each employee (includes hiring, training, and onboarding costs)
3 Average training costs: total training cost divided by total employee strength which attended training programs
Recruiting conversion rate: percentage of applicants who were hired vs. total number of applicants you processed
4 Employee engagement: measure of how committed and connected your employees are to your company
Marketing KPIS

1 Lead to MQL ratio: ratio of leads that were moved to your marketing qualified funnel
MQL to SQL ratio: ratio of marketing qualified leads moved into your sales funnel
2 Organic web traffic: amount of traffic your website attracts (can use Google Analytic to determine this)
Landing page conversion rate: percentage of conversions on a landing page against total visits
3 Email open rates: percentage of emails opened vs. total emails sent in your email marketing campaigns
Bounce rate: percentage of website visitors who abandoned your site within just a few seconds
4 SERP rankings: your website’s/page’s position in search engine results for a keyword
Social media KPIs: KPIs related to your social media marketing efforts, such as likes, shares, retweets, comments and so on
7 Marketing ROI: total return on investment generated from your marketing efforts
Supply chain KPIS

1 Number of lower 70% of supplier satisfaction during 3 months / Total number of suppliers during 3 months

2 Total cost of material purchasing procurement for each materials during past six months / Total cost of material purchasing during last year

3 Physical and systemic inventory non-compliance during last 3 months / Total inventory items during last 3 months

4 Average raw materials order lead time during past 6 months / Average order lead time during last year

Average time from purchase order issue and date of confirmation during last month / Average time from purchase order issue and
5 date of confirmation during last year

6 Total delay time of material purchasing during last 6 months /Total delay time of material purchasing during last year

7 Number of supplier rejected materials in last month / Number of supplier rejected materials in last year

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