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Hello everybody, today we are going to learn Spanish.

Spanish is relatively easy to learn, because once you’ve learned how to pronounce the
letters, you can sound out any word. There are no complicated pronunciation rules, as
there are in English.
The main problem when you are starting a new language can be daunting, especially if
it’s your first time trying it outside of a classroom environment.
Here's a secret: there is no one best way to study Spanish. There are almost as many
effective ways to learn Spanish as there are people who have learned it.
Here you can find my favorites ones:
1. Study Spanish by Speaking From Day One.
2. Stop Speaking English! Study Spanish Through Immersion
3. Study Spanish by Listening to Podcasts and Audio Courses.
4. Listen to music in Spanish, but for nothing in the world you should listen to
All these methods are very helpful because you will learn Spanish practicing it day by
day, but above all you should never stop trying every day to learn at least one new

By: Alejandro Guano

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