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Book Extension Activity (25 points)

Your Name: Alexa Tribuli

Book Title: The Firekeeper’s Son

Book Author: Linda Park

Publisher: HMH Books

Date: November 23, 2021

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standard (5 points)

1.PK.3 Use a variety of media, techniques, and processes in art activities that are of the
child’s creation without a model.
2.PK.4 Identify color, shape, and texture through art experiences.
4.PK.3 Create a work of art that expands on an experience, such as after a field trip or as a
part of a cultural event.
5.PK.1 Recognize their own and others’ artwork.
5.PK.2 Demonstrate respect for the artwork of others.
5.PK.3 Describe or respond to their own creative work or the creative work of others.
6.PK.1 Use visual arts as a means to express their feelings, thoughts, knowledge and skills in
content areas such as language arts, science, and math.

2. Objectives (What will children expect to learn?) (5 points)

Children are expected to expand on the knowledge given from the book The Firekeeper’s
Son by creating artwork that retells the story.

3. Materials and Equipment needed: (5 points)

1. Scrapes of paper (red, orange, blue, yellow, black)
2. Glue Sticks
3. Piece of off-white paper (for gluing the scrapes to)
4. The book: The Firekeeper’s Son (for referencing and furthering discussion)

4. Teaching (What will you do?) (5 points)

1. Set up art table with the supplies for the students.
2. “Our story was about a little boy who chose to continue a legacy for his family. He
climbed the mountain, and he lit the fire because it was his job to do. Today we are
going to create collage art that uses similar colors that are in the illustrations in the
3. Open Ended Questions:
a. Tell me about your collage.
b. How did you choose your scrape paper?
4. Expanding Knowledge:
a. Illustrations: are the pictures and images we see in a book
b. Gluing: we don’t need a lot of glue to make our scrapes of paper stick, rub
the glue onto the back of your scrape and then stick it to the paper where
you want it.
c. Legacy: this is an object or duty that has been passe down from person to
person within a family, like in our story the job of being the firekeeper is a
legacy within Sanh-Hee’s family.

5. Closure: (2 points)
“Today we created many different collages that tell many different stories.”

6. List 3 additional books in this genre to extend the learning: (3 points)

1. Fry Bread by. Kevin Noble Maillard
2. The Water Princess by. Susan Verde
3. The Pilgrims by. Katharine Ross

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