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Partial 2.

Integrative Activity

Victor Javier Moreno Rocha
Universidad Tecnológica de León
Teacher: Saul Nolasco Leyva
Hi Estefania! I want to ask you, how have you and the family been, I
also wanted to tell you for a long time, that I am very excited because
you are going to visit us next December.
And I wanted to clarify several points about the clothing that you can
bring so that they go according to the different places that I will take
you to visit within of the Leon city.
You can bring an evening dress because remember that we will go to
Carlos's wedding and we must wear formal clothes for the event, you
can also bring appropriate clothes for cold weather because I will take
you camping to the Sierra de Lobos, you will like it because it is a very
beautiful place.
And if you also want to bring something conservative clothes because
we will go to dinner one day with the Mendez family, I recommend this
because it is a very conservative family.
But for the rest of the days, you can bring shorts, jeans, flats, etc.
Clothes with which you feel comfortable, since to all the places that I
will take you can wear informal clothes.
For the moment I say goodbye, but we continue talking by email, we'll
see each other soon, see you later.

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