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Nama :Dony Wahyu Purnama

NIM :20210340103

Prodi :Kedokteran Gigi

Team-mate : Tisya

Tisya travel wish list

- Japan
- Korea
- Dubai

Last night, i meet and chatted with my friend.From the interview that we did before, Tisya He
will be going to enjoy his semester break said that he will go to Japan, Korea, and Dubai. The
reason he wants to vacation there is because Korea ,Japan and ,Dubai have many tourist
attractions, delicious food, skyscraper, and interesting culture of each country, and he really
likes South Korean dramas and Japanese AnimeHe will go with his family. Soon, if his wish
list become a reality, he will be going to Japan especially Istana Himeji. He also will be going
to see K-Pop artists. Then he will also go to Dubai to enjoy the skies of Dubai which are
many luxurious buildings that spoil the eyes. I also reminded him to bring a lot of pocket
money and did not forget to bring souvenirs for me. He was very happy to be able to visit
these three countries which had been his dream since childhood. I also know thatTisya
reading a lot of book for study and do his assignment perfectly. I hope he can make his dream
come true and I will always support his move.

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