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Practice for complex sentences !

1. My sister always washed the dishes after she finished eating.

(Kakakku selalu mencuci piring setelah dia selesai makan)
2. My mother will buy for me a doll when I ask for it.
(Ibuku akan membelikanku boneka ketika aku memintanya)
3. As soon as my teacher gave the assignment, I immediately did it.
(Segera setelah guruku memberikan tugas, aku langsung mengerjakannya)
4. Before I leave the room I have to clean it first.
(Sebelum aku meninggalkan kamar aku harus membersihkannya terlebih dahulu)
5. My brother became very cheerful since he was accepted into the dream university.
(Kakakku menjadi sangat ceria sejak diterimanya di universitas impian)
6. Lets try until we can do it.
(Mari kita coba sampai kita bisa melakukannya)
7. You can pay it whenever you have money.
(Kamu bias membayarnya kapanpun kamu memiliki uang)
8. I cried under the covers while everyone was asleep.
(Aku menangis dibalik selimut saat semua orang tertidur)
9. My young sister looks as though she has seen a ghost.
(Adikku terlihat seperti baru saja melihat hantu)
10. I won’t stop eating once I feel stressed.
(Aku tidak akan berhenti makan begitu aku merasa stress)

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