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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

The honorable, cadet commander, English lecturer, and my beloved friends, my name is Okta Rizanty
From 2D class.
Today, i want to tell my speech about give no rooms for tourism that brings more harm.
As we know at this time where the whole worlds is fighting a very dangerous virus outbreak which can
kill someone, namely the covid 19 virus.
Covid 19 is a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiration syndrome. Symptoms of covid 19
are variavle, but often include fever, cough, fatigue. symptoms begin one to fourteen days after
exposute to the virus.

This is where we have to fight this virus. starting from the series itself, the environment and much more.
one of them is a government regulation that stipulates pyschal distancing where this regulation seeks to
prevent the virus from developing in Indonesia especially. And also the government has implemented a
ban for tourism to enter the region, if entering must undergo several rules that have been set one of
them isolation for 14 days. Because we do not know if the tourism has been exposed to the virus or not.
because in the world there have been many exposed to this deadly virus. so Indonesia in particular gives
strict regulations to break the chain of covid 19

I think that's all my speech, thank you so much for your attention. Sorry for all the mistakes, good
morning.Wasalamualikum wr.wb

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