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FADE IN: TOLDS CF BLUE VELVET UNDULATE EVER 60 SLOWLT. ‘WITH TITLES DISsoLVE to: a ‘ExT, BEAUMGNTS' FRONT LAIN - Day Blue skies. PAN SLOTS DON te elean white picket fence, with beautiful red roses in front of ft. Birds CHIRP in the distance, : _ A faint eprinkter So@ As heard. Very sveet MOSIC ts playing. : a . DISSOLVE To: EXT, TREE = DAY A songbird SINGS in the tree. DISSOLVE TO: Ext. CROSSWALK ~ SEADY STREET ~ DAY Avery clean uniformed, miling POLICREN with ams outstretched ‘allows clean happy SCHOOL GHUDREN to excas the street sately. ‘DISSCLYE Tor Yet, SHADY STREET ~ DAY Albright red gorgeaus fire engine 4s moving very slowly down the We MOVE IN to see the hepry face of a FIDO, DISSELVE To: Ee, FLOWER GARDHN - DAY Yellow telips svey in a var aftemcon breeze. DISSCEVE TO: ‘EXT, EEADONTS' FROW LAW - DAY ‘The axme white picket fence with roses in front of it. FROOING SLOXLY nov mxy from the roses dom to the rich green Lam water droplets sparkling in the light. ‘This is slightly SLOW MOTION and DREAMY. DISSOLVE TO: August 9, 1964 RAE VEVET 2, . EXT. BEALNONTS! FRE Lays = DAY CLOSER ON WATER DRCELETS, ‘The water droplets an scretut shetractad an they dance in ow Lights FAN DOWN now to the green grass, traveling aleng the grasa. ‘The MUSIC beccres fainter OVE SUDDENLY wer the - as if in a'dark forest. “ senses pow SLOLY MOVING eGR. ‘The grass is like great tinbers, Zt ig GETTDG CARER and aninous SCUDS cone up as Adgcover black insects eravilng and scratching in the deceiect, FADE To: =e Ext. BEUMONT'S FROWT Lay = pay WR. SEXMOWT is watering flowers and grass with the hose, Be ds dressed in khaki trousers, canvas shoes, ol white shice, straw bat and dazk glasses. CLOSE = HR, BEADED watches bis watering, then locks up. ‘The sky and the nelghboctoed are reflected in his dack glasses. Ee Saves his false teeth amumt a little in his muth, jutting act his chin in the process, ‘He's thinking about who knows what. "Be looks back dom at his len. CLOSEEE = WAGER cH GRASS The water hits the grass and mts it dom. YODER = om. BEAD , Toves the hose over @ bush and gets a kink in it, Water stops coming out of the nozzle and there is 4 Lom Erssng NOISE of water under pressure. CLOSECP = KINK IN BOSE Tost HISsTss Norse. Ax. Beaumont goes arom! the bush and is undcing the kink when he ds suddenly hit vith a tremndous seizure. cornu { (CASE? ~ MR, EEANT # doubling over and falls to the ground. Ee continues to grasp ~ ante the hese, Wates shoots crazily onto the driveway and his car. Mx, Beatont seems to we Be tn sommendous pain. Cor To: INT. BEALMOVIS' LIVING ROGM = DAY des. Beawment is curled up on the couch, smoking a cigarette and Watchisg Tov. it's a caycion sospe CLOSEUP = MRS. BEAT: takes a big of Ber Giganecte and loaricaal french inheles a Eige quaneley of blue stoke. She's eAjoying ber’ shew. COR TO: ‘Et. SEADNONTS’ FRovt Laan = nay CLOSED? = MR. EEADONT 3 teeth are crocked in his mouth row as he tries to scream. ~-slo sound is coming cut. : WCER SCOND is loud. WODER © 98, EEACMANT Water 4s still spraying cut over the driveway and ents the cas and ints the yard beyox A small boy, GRets, only vides underpants and white teshize. SED asics ely Gress waddles arcund locking at the crazy water show, He holds his face ina He watiles over and looks at Mr. Beaumont on the groud. Mr, Beaumont seers to be worse row, unconscicus, but still suipping the hose tichtly, ‘Eis clothes are sopping wet. Has Bee cat fe ee te ee dn the spray This makes hin sev up “> ‘ August 9, 19840 BILE VEVED 3, 4, 10 uw 2 Mu Foye) NE eee vee 4, Bc. oubs's nose © pny a Screen vindow of Grogy's house, Greggs mother calls Frmains looking at a°Gost she is folding Sotpes GAUIE out mt Sea's women (ealling ext) . Gregg... BL1y'S waiting for nis teddy, ‘She then ‘arts te look on. 5 ‘ Gum's sono Gres! ailly's weling for his teat, honey. : ‘ or to: ES. mOGOS’ ror Law - may R GEOE'S HORER F.0.V, nooo sexe imcoy - DN THE Drsmace, ahe sees Grage's back, a bush, sce with Mea erousers dnd tear sgurcng sty bathe AesE with swt GE's HOTERR v0.) 2 TM : cor mo: om . Be, CINE Custs Bittoos © ner 3 is heard, : ™! 7 to Lighted of an Rens along Bldewalk, bushes, Ghrted windows YT. CIEGE ADO TIGK = Kae? a . ln Bees Ha Sy, States posse pty, Performed by a live Bey ene learn, epely locking for scene, Be quickly approaches @ GIL. 1s 16 17 August 9, 19685 9 RIWE VEVEE 5, SANTICR'S GPCERS = Cotzece < wer as BE (OYE, RTO the face of GEFREY. te ds hiding benind a femace, > Be is fascicated by a sight beyond in the daciciess of this basement, 3e sets 4 ale his giziértend. She ds Sry ard eelts Keeps forcing her down Pere es Seales, forcing bar clothes off her. efey at tres Sates et ees the caller ts cleser, Wy is now hurt sl. Jetiey leaves the fomace ce Foun he yells curt eshit head, -Leave her alene,..fen't ia gizis! The couple locks wp but cannot see Jeffrey. ‘The boy is scared and releases the qual whe promptly pulls fasther away, Gxying, Seirey leaves the Sucace rom. INT. eauay - comed - sree 16 fottse and the coltese student see him and move quickly toward hin, . Boy Cotta Boy JetSey, your mther's cn the chone... re’s an @eteatcy, ‘LOULsE ‘Tasks for keeping me waiting so long, AS JefSzey roves quickly toward the telertone. JEFFREY I’m sorry, Louise. INT. PHONE /EALLAAY = CoLEaS? = wre uy The gangles on its cord in the forecromé as JefSrey noves . phone nd tovard it in the backs=und. Louise slowly follows Sefecey, but stays in back of him.” JefS-ey picks up the phone. JEFFREY se bed: Hello... Mon? that's wrong with Dad?.., What's happening?... Com hore? Sure = will. sort ee august $, 1863 BLE veer 6, aa ‘ONT. BEADMONTS' Biddy = Sti . te Mes. Bemment sits talking en thé phone in a dack quies bedroom. igs. BEANO Iimwan, for good, Jeftey... - Gr to: 1s INT. FHONE/EALINRY © Coram = wrezy . i. Cosme = serREy SEEEREY | ESAS eee oor to: 20 INT. BEACMCNTS* BEDAooM - staer 20 AGS. BEAT (row locks very’ tized and in Jetscey Foor health) 2 a iesisg docks at Jetey crying, then tums may. JefScey hangs up . Ort 22.0 INR. BEADMONTS' mEDfoty = iter 2 Mrs. Beaument hangs up her shone. travelling into a shadow is a wis Just next to the phone tetnite. FADE TO: 24 26 wor . © Avpuge 9, 1984 mie veer 7 DY. GIRLS Soni Leeay = cette - tert 2 is waiting ina girls dom lcthy for toutse. Gizls are milling aramd. Louise gets off an elevater with some gther qisls. She forces a mile at JetSrey as she omes toward . onrEEY Can't you come to the dem adzport? Jetteey. Tt te T really can't... ean’t. I have to go te thet class tonicht, Tean'e get oct of it... I realty can't, ft love YOu, Jeffrey, “E'1L miss you, JEFFREY call you dn a eoumle of days, let y keow bow things are Locise Chay... I'LL be here... You berene ‘ 7 Sos tes Sueetie, I hope thex's okay. I love you. I'm gory, JEFFREY T love you too, Louise... Damn dt. I'LL see you. ‘They kiss. oor to: BC. nabrs smo za A FLAME TEES GT . DESSCLVE TO: EXD. ANCEEER LaNtING saee 3 A FLAME Laas , EXT. AIRPORT - src 26 SetSey comes walking ost of the airport, where his Mother and AUNT EAREARA, who is a very absent-cinded Little woran with vesy thick glasses, are waiting for him. CONDE 26 a August 8, 1984 ALLE EET og. cate: : 26 ay Ai Fareed Lilesatty and another eax is honking at then, Teekay at ES Soe apgictration of 3 frey's th 5 are ng at Jefaze/ to ez his attenvien. Re final’, joins then 4rd kisses nis Bestar, has ae es bes, Bextor {a bit concemed) Wase's all your things, JefScey? SEETREY This is it... ‘Mes. Bement locks at Jeffrey. SERRE, 2 gent a teunk hom yesterday. This is all AUNT BAREARA ‘Yeu lock good, Jeffrey. Did you have a nice Biche? JEFFREY. Yeah. Eow's Ded? 38S. BEAT fels alsight... We'L tel you on the way Ir. seshints' oR - vice 27 Egy set in the car, Act Bechara is deiving. She is not a goal Hives and she takes Jeddrey ramveus. Ee watches haz evesy move from the back seat. Rigy Gye on murtace streets, many gas stations, exuffic Lights, ORS. BEANO He had a cerebral hercrhase and thay think there's sate sort of clot, or tamr, oF something in there. They're doing all sorts of tests. Gh the surface, he looks precy 28 x 32 | TETREY'S 9. august 9, 1964 IT vEvET 5, COTINE: 2 AUNT BARBARA They tore down the AGP, datérey. DLA you ee that? onryary =. Aunt Barbara that was 5S years ago ur Tor Ect, BEAIMONTS!' ache = IGE 28 ‘The car pulls into the Beamonts' drivevey, The neighborhood is quiet anc dark. Cr te: INT. BEAUMONTS' LIVING ROGM = itr? 2 deftrey, Amt Barbara, and Hrs. Beaumont enter the Li a ie. Bawert ear ae ae Rosia circle of Lice ties the Light Blue mug. ACT BARBARA, Heme again, home again, diggtdy jog. They lock at Jeffrey, He looks at then, oD to: INT, SEFFREY'S EERO = NGer 30 Seftey ecters his mill attic-type bedrean, tums on the overhead Lig aod ante ble tease aoe Be qoes to his desk and leans acress it to look autside. 7. - EXT, STREET The street is dark, except for a pool ef lisht fron a street LUshe. estup = oebrrey A breeze of cold powerful string HESTC blows as we vatch Jeffrey Stare into space. INT, REAOWIS' XtHRijmueY = cay z Mes. Bemont is calling upstairs to Jeffrey. : MRS. READ Jeffrey, breakfast is ready. wee - eeyeen ay MAT VELVET 10.. Rn . | SEREE v.00 (— Be ight Sone fies, Beaumont Joins Aunt aacbara st the breakfast table in the kitchen. typcninn TRE, pa ‘This ds marve: Jar... Are you gaing : rering? . _ MRS, BERET I think Jefcey would Like to see his dather Jefirey comes dom the stairs, Says thats *, pond an ae sits dm to bevaktare, 8 TEFREY What time are visiting hours? HRS. BEAUMONT I've made agebente vith Dr. Cynde t Jeffrey, you'll & T need the car'this morning, tv. SEETREY Jettey, when you see your father... JEFFREY + Yeah? MRS, BEADHONT Be doesn't ow you're out of school, Ee thinks it's @ vereticn for you. SEFFREY What? MRS. BEAtwoyT . Tt would be too mich for hin... So plese jet hin think as he does, that you're bom just to see hin, cEFREY : a lot, Men... Jef trey! nena denve ase Je tee wanted you to co seioal ago to week ene’ Poe, Mae, Sey Baek f sete) wilt be an option ene Augess 9, 1964 0 BSE VEvET orn. a1 COTONED: . n ~ ‘ AENT: BARBARA think it's 2, SPOEEANE noe to Get depressed, ( o Depression is a tercible thing. Ty say ic : ean Betag en iness® , ERE gre beac. I'LL try not to get cr to: 2 ‘EXT, HOSPITAL ~ nay R efSey crosses a street and walks toward a Lasye hospital complex. cot To: 3 ‘OND, BALLAY - sosPitiy = bay 33 vetSzey follows a mrse to a hospital roo. WORSE CROY 1 Please wale outside while Dr. Gyrde Srepares ‘ . hin to see yeu. ' SesrREY . : Prepares hin? She peers into the room. Jeffrey coes too. 34 ‘DY. EOSPITAL Root - DAY 4 Peter SE fie, £* Setaine sueccing 2 bed nd stacks of medical michinesy, Doctor Gynde Gomes out Sram behind the curtains and walks to Jeffrey. DR, GUE Balle JefSrey... JESFREY Hello, Doctor Gynde... How is he? Ee! Sighting nard.-s sefen ae. ies veey 's ee. Cet: see itt dpportant that your father doesnt’ try to nove... he's een jrebiices. te would be very painful for ++ sit close... you a the talking ard moving. Ee knows you're . here. He became very erctional. I don't 1 ‘think he Likes the idea of you seeing hin like this... . corrnuED (~ uM August 9, 1984 BLUE vetver 12, Bare, Cisey goes oo the bed ‘Sha begins to pull the curtains back revealing Ho. Bem . abe cooy (eniling a big scile) Mr. Bemment! Your son is hare to visit YOUss. ‘Than we see Mr. dencicct He has mumercus tubes and needles coing Me. into ditterent parts of him. A stainless steel device holds his head perfectly seit. Murse Cindy picks up a tray and leaves. (shocked bat, 2 tetetaling at) i Dad. Pet Sey Sess to him and pots out his hand to shake his athar's + han : ut riembers his father cannot move. Jetfrey pats him the shoulder, errr Locks Like they've get you strapped in Pretty sco. wR. BEAT ah, ,, CAPS moving but hardly any seu) wh uh... CEFFREY ave you feeling akay? : oR. EEADONT Gore marbling) wh th... Tears well in Mr, Beament's Leiber hs Melos Riad ha teaches for Jefes ‘ins ‘trenendous s stand, than struggling ageinst: R. EMT rere plainty bee Weer strain) Good to see you, son... ae “thalding back tears) It's good to see you, Dad... JefSey squeezes his father's hand 36 37 38 Be : He gathers 4 fey nore rocks and pitches then ene by one at the hoctias “fe houses — seme Launtry drying ~~ a Pézceful scene. No one seems to be arcitd — so one sees > watching hin, We are s5 close we can hear the ants racing frantically aromd the ear. There is dried blood en part of it.” JefSrey finds a brown paper bag and using a trig, he pushes the eer inte ies Again, he stance wo and itis seta ZN TRE DISTANCE, a IW ques Lito the back door of 2 house. Nothing more: JefSrey murries off, carrying the hag with che ear in it, oT To: Dc, potter sears an | : 36 Setizey goes up the front stezs... ONT. POLICE DEPARMET = nay a7 Sip EF te the Reception Desk. A POLICE GEFICER is scanding behind the camter. JEEEREY Fello... could you tell me if Detective Williams is still verking here? POLICE CFICER Re's up in Rom 221. Right up the staiss. - cor to: TNT, ROOM 221 = BCLICE SUArtON ~ nay 38 Jeffrey enters Root 221 and sees the desk marked, “DETECTIVE J.D. WILLEAHS,* 1% however, the desk is empty. ‘TiO MEN are talking at tha end of the room; one of then cores toward Jeffrey. august 9, 1964 mtue venee a 26 carat: 38 (or Are you Detective Williams? DETECTIVE WILLIAMS . Yes. JEFFREY HY name 1s Jetsrey Beant — I Live near YObrss I believe you keow my father, Ton Sexctont — Beamone's Rersare stone? . DETECTIVE WItKs Sore I do... T understand he's in the hospital... Bow ds he? Demers 1 (etter of factiy) . You ia? A aman ear?” SESFREY Yeah... I've got it hare in this bag. I thought T should bring it te you. DETECTIVE ¢ Yep, that's right. Let's take a lock at it, vetszey cers the hag and lets Detective WiLlims lock inside. (comtiming) Prat sure locks Like a han ear, doesn't ate... Let's run it down to the Cormer’s Gftice and see vist they make of it. then, ZSAnT you t0 show me exactly where you found it, Cor TO: 39 ANT. CORONER'S GTICE - pay 39 Yetirey, Detective Williams, and an CLD CORGMER'S OFFICER are Tesking at the eas, which {3 sitting in a retical Ga STue, CORCNER'S CFFICER . . itl check ee ake a ene, 1 we’ records. 't recall anything coning in minus an ean. cov August 9, 1964 BLE VenveT 35,. ‘The Coroner's Officer turns to Sefirey. CORQER'S CEFIOR ord ade je oc at's say, Sr ever an Uth, ve would aemene that was a citpse, ‘the may very Well be alive ie persen ‘ type, whether or not the ear Person, Right new, I know it's a real man ear, The amen was, So is, Caucasian, svealeo...It locks like the ear was Sut off with sctesora, Et. VAQNT FIELD = bay Jet: ds oot wis th Detective Willims and a CRE OF CEFIGERS uta fave Popad ced ToS BUSeSS's ities ands grid search. A POLICE PEOIOGRAPEER is also there taking flash pichores all around the Heid, eapacially wees eens ST them he found the ear. Detective Willies takes Jeffrey aside. Jeffrey, this By the vay merry ten't ging $5 the pees ond Te at you to cenalder lt you've beard wetee reiecly Sarre : Got it, | Tanks for letting me in on as mich as you dia... DETESTIVE WILLIAMS Cone on... 1121 drive you home. t's on ay way. oor to: 40 az ce) 44 ae : ~ august 9, 1gas Oc. Bears: Stee = Mat ay Mrs, Bemz st and Aunt Barbara are doing the distes. The news is Salt poesia television. There is a broadcast cn the oe mounting crime weve, TNSERD T.v, scrrey A series of mariars aru being discussed ard a police dcaving mug Shot’ is show on the screen Of the suspect who is at lane, or te: INT. CEPPREY'S BROS Wt 42 Jestrey is sitzing at his desk daytreming. Ee suldenly picks the pias fesinwett ME Y Picks &e Yeah! Eos abe yeu? He's chay... in the hospital for tests... “(very serious) (sriling row) What have you been up tp?... Louise, I don't know... I've got to see how my father is as. 28 costs a fornme in that hospical... ‘hes Lawise, step trying to explain everyting. dust do it... let's talk again in a copie of days or serechin', i love you. Goodive Léuise... Goodbye. veitey sits aloe in his roo, thinking things ever. . SLOX DISScLVE To: ‘INT. conauen's eeftcr’- wre” 43 CLOSE UP - FAR IN Montrceay's piey VERY SLOWLY, we HOVE very Clcse to the ear, Ses Sedy sora the Gevices apersiching the dark hole. A ‘Inge, of ‘SLGI DISSALVE To: INT, BEADMONTS' LIVING ROM = Nicer 44 iow light. Jeftzey enters the roan. Aurt Barbara ard Mrs. Beament are watching television, Aunt Barbara is kitting. CONTE “4 46 cata: : a4 SERreey I'm going out fer avnile. RS. BEAT (locks at her watch) Do you wanz the car? ory No, I'm just genna walk around. wes. BEAD Alxieht... ‘AGNT BAREARA etsey,.. you're not going dam ky Lincoln, are you? 7 tyelling back) No... I'm jase ‘feing to walk around the neighborhoed, Don't worry. Aunt Bashare and Mrs. Beaument continue watching the televisien. DNSERT T.V. scarey SiT.¥. ve see a nan’s shoes. He is sesking slovly up some stairs, cor To: EX. SGscta sixes - wre 4s JetSzey walks along the dark streets. ‘The same scchre MUSIC plays dow and slew. Sama of the houses have a few lichts on, seme ate dack, Some windows have a slow uneven blue Hashing light, indicating the television is on inside, se eomtimes wad the night. In the trees, the ais ene et hemes the een in mysterious, scnetines Srichtaning pattems. Ext. WILLIAsS ROME - Nice? 46 Jettrey finally cares to the house he's been locking for, Re goes up the trent walk. Now, at the last minute, he feels a iivtle foolish and has second thoughts about Imocking en the Gccr. comrmmp 4s a7 4a cantanao: ~ . August $, 1984 BE SEZ 3a, 4s Be locks in a vindey, Inside, he sees a nicely-lit Living soon, Eee ahead ard Joocks. A very pleasant~locking middie class answers the door, SSrREy Hello... uh... my rare is Jeftey Beaiment.,. I3 Detective Willims in? MRS. WILLING Oh, yes, Jeférey... Come in... He'll be back any minute now. You're velome to wait... Is it urgent? ‘DT. WILLIS Lives Roay = ietaey a7 . JEFFREY I just wanted to ask him a few questicns, that's all. Maybé Tbetter go. MRS. WILLIAMS Sealy, he'lt be home soon, would yeu Like a cup ef ‘coftee? NT. WIDIAMS' mttcemy = staat’ : 48 She leads hin back to the Kitchen where she has hin sit at the kitchen table. ‘She pours him a cup of coffee. YRS. WoLLZANS I was sory to hear abcut your father. mow your tether tem chirch... It's sucha shame. JEFFREY ‘Yeah, T know, aS, wots Would you like a piece of cake? No... No thank yo It's a real good chocolate cake... Duncan Bines' devil's food... zeal good. SEFFREY Yeah... ckay. t eS “august 9, i904 RIE VELVET 19, DN. WELIAMS* LOVENG ROM = ITGET 43 Oss i the Living room, SAKCY WILLIAMS and her BOFRNS, oe SH, ce up Som the kasemnt. They are both carzying boots. Sandy 13 a very good Locking, high school senior end wke is a big, hantscne Zocthall player type. INT. WiicaMs' REY so RS, Woraes: Sardy?,.. Sancy and Mike come ints the kitchen. Jefirey tas a jiece of chocolate cake & his reuthe Me ( 39s, WILE (continuing) deftrey, this 4s my daughter, Sandy, and... baz end, Hike. ; ‘They all say "EL" to ene another, sacy Mike's gotta go... (to cetsey) Nice to met you. cr Yeah, nice meetin’ yeh, JEFFREY Yeah... Ik was nice meting you tes. They leave até go out the font door, MS. WLI (sniles) . Ee cones over to study, CEFEREY (sniles) Yeah... The front door cpens. DETECTIVE WILLIMS (V.0,) + Pan? RS. WOLDS Tn the kitchen, Jom! | * Detecrive Willians cones into the kitchen surprised to see Jetiey, common $1 so DETECTIVE Woicas hello, ceftcey... whac's up? He kisses his wite, DETECTIVE Wittsas Com inte the study a mimice, . ‘ ) ting Up) WS. WIEDIANS Carainly, Seticey follows Detective Williams into his smuiy. cot to: INT. DETSSIVE WS? sty - tere sl: SESE williams’ study is flied with filing cabinets, ‘the Sie DS PO Phones and is covered wich papers ant itary Og Pious of Mrs. Willums ant Sandy. ‘The police radio is asking CEIECTIVE ws (to JefSey) : Teteccive Williams speaks theoich the sedi while JefSrey sits the door. ‘to ge to Mitton..."yesh, cory. © eos cet radio, ‘tims'to Jaffrey) Well, JefSrey, you fourd something whicn is interesting to us. i a very Nery interesting. I kiow you mist be esis tS inov maar? moe . “Rugast 9, 1986 Bue vee ate "0 carare: a Twas th ytd was tha same way whan I was your age. guess thac's wha eget ne ints Lai Business... TETrEY it mist be ereat,., Hi Detective zm Je Trat's the it has “GAPE Get msn setSey studies Detective williams! face as walk back to the ihe ee a S200 INT, wins! thine Sect rae 820 CErrEy (calling into the kitchen) . Wiliams? “Thanks for the cake. witness (eoming out tein ie ktchen) 1 ¥ou)ze welocre... Nice to finally met bak Jeftrey, JEFFREY Say sqoodighe" to Sandy. DETECTIVE wis - We will. Good night, Jetesey ledies and they shut the cour behind hie. S300 Be, wows roe - en : 3 SoS SLD ESS Sead et cae ome ae sow yes the ene tna ene only VetSey stops and tums arom. Sandy comes up to him, cornu August 2, 198400 ate venyer 22, 53 comer: 3 - SESTREY on ‘Yeah, hew did yeu imow? Z fuse to Yt al r us jp that's - rereber ‘Sen Cenzzal. = 34 EC. NEr@eGRieD § + Max They slowly valk down the streec tocecher. JESTREY Ch yesh? saoz You were preesy popular... Didn't you rin : fox sore ition? m Yeah t ait... be ah t eid... treasurer. Shoulda’: you - stitying of seething? . Am I bothering yeu? JESTREY No... You're not bothering me... You a Senier? 1 . sncy Yes. : SEETREY Fow is Central chese SANDY cerrRey , What else 4s new?,.. right? sxDY Yeah... What are you doing row? i'm hare fom school... My father's in the hospital, say That's too bad... . JEFFREY What do you know about the ear?... anything? comme Se EXE ver 23.) io: HG 4a ang’ teh cob of HANI. GRID a ie q an : ia iy Blo : ie ie Ge th fh - a4 HE sae ao ude ry Hee i He fe seis ab CATS: 34 35 AcgusT 9, 1964 | ace Vee og, , uM say Maybe so. JEFFREY qels A stance worid isn’ 42? oe yeu Ieow what the woman Lives JEFFREY T guess you have to cet back home gccn? Not really, why? (then she understands) . You want to see the buliaing?, TL stow you. EXD, LINCSIN sumeer = ktert : TeSSey 8. Serty walk ehroush the Light of a street Light, the siieet sign “EREcIN st can be a‘ They z Sereinua dant to ay eee TT SEFREY where are they? soy 3 don't incv... you're not supposed to see ‘then. ‘They're ‘Te supcosed to see you. They begin valleing slowly back to Sandy's house, 2 et on SES sen id th out anyth Guesticned her? “8 snoy I con't eee. iike I said, she's not my father’s commun 36 AugesE $, 138400 ae vez as, : ss Ch yeah... Wat about those other Pecple? Anything? . he's been mardered You really do hear a lot, den't you? Yeah, I guess so," . _, Shey continue walking) IEEE 278 you going to do now that you'ze saoy StL, dt mist be kinda rough... oErerey it}s not so bad... tut it’s baa encugh.., it's @ lov verse for ny aches, . Wetiey to a house) k id Who Lived there ant who - had the Bigvest tous in the woriae.” SeSSey ard Sandy both daush. sxoy What hepvened to hin? SERrREY T don't know... he soved away... oT to: BO. mmemcnicay sxatet 2 wre 56 A LOS stor deSrey and Sandy valking and falking, sometimes laughing in the Cistence, while the MISIE then, haunting yet warn, plays over. August 9, 1986 BLUE VELVET 26... a7 EC. Wiss som + Git ‘Thay arrive back at Sandy's home. CLOSER GN SeFFaEY AND eniby in front of Sandy's bone, 57 snoy Tive gotta go in. SERTREY Trenks for the tour... Te was nee talking to you. SAG THEE locks at hin atyly betore she tums to go up the sont walk, (eonee = + (Somtimiins) T guess I'L) ‘see you sctetine.., I guess sxox $$0.>, Like you said... It's a strange 2d. CSPEREY (sxiles) Yeah... Good bye, dettrey watches as SAEY Sees inside her house, house & nd Sees ber Crees the Tig oo Ee toms ard walks away. se sa ° JERREY Eat, Te Giay 1¢ 1 borrow these buy spraying rigs la Ea pears into the back ream, Spots Jeffrey. cor to: $8 60 61 August 9, 1984 ELLE VELVET 27. Ee, BEAMONS WE EE + cay : s9 Jeffrey puts the scufé in the tuck of the car. There are several cask” Magizines there too. He gets in the front seat ant drives off. rt: ‘INT. BEAGMOWTS' GR < nay . 0 Settrey driving. He locks at his watch. Zt is 3:30, ExT. CHERD Ge sticet ona a. 2efSey 1s parked across ‘the street fom the school. Eich schsel kids ate pouring ost the fone decr. In a moment ha sees come out With teo or three other gisis. ‘They walk dom the sidewalk away Sem Jeffrey, Paes ae ae cae Meg Sigel foltows then to the comer, here he Falls up alongside of then... very close. Sandy suddand; Pecsiuites his. + * SEsTREY You Imgry or thirsty, or both? snoy (taken aback) T don't keow. T'd Like to talk to you about something... soy + Jase a mime... pull over and wait a mimste, Sandy pulls her gizlérients sway Som Jeftsey's car and says sohecting to thes. There is some whissering and giggling and ~ then, the girls) (eo, git Please, don't say anything to Mike... Promise? . The girls promise. Sandy goes azcund and gets in the car, carey T don't want to cause any trouble. SAIDY im here, aren't 27 comme August 9, 1984 BUT vee: 28, 0 SUrrRey 1 pueda Meats got eee be oP foie Fractice in the afterncon? Cocco, you are mate dust den't get tao emart. or tor 62 INT. DOUER ~ may 62 Jeftrey's grities azrived along vith suoY Alright, now tell me... What is dt? . a bent ps tote | 5 Hany i i G tay A lke Pa Ea) iets “Lie > Aba 5 ge Sats siti i ale bald snag! 1 coro 62 > dt sourds & good it is too 4 'Y doing but actiall; va got a peine there... i Tr tor 63 are in the car, JetSey is straggling to gut ca ry and Santy old everalis. Jet the 65 67 “a rr eRe Ble August 9, 1986 ste cE do. BC, EScaN srs Spay 64 ‘They get cut of the car, Sandy has the “aave" magazines. Chay, I'm going ahead... Wait a min ' I'm god eee ‘ta minute, what's her name? ‘SANDY h brother... Dorothy Valens, Seventh ~ Floor. Lock on the muiibox for her mbes, bright boy. SEPREY SE “etSrey takes off in the direction of tha aparmant hudiding, orm: BC. amRtewr smahe = sv 6 SSSHTY Walks wp the Sient stepe and goes in the double cucer INT. LOSSY - APART Bitte - nay 66 BEE 2d Com the mitboas and nally tings *p, Vallens, Aoarment Raber 1G,5 ¥ JeStey goes into the Icky, : . or to: ‘Dt. Samay - ADAH deta “nay” defray clixbs the stairs. 2n CLD 100Y is ming her way down the stairs. She seas Jeffry and his Hig. . bd tape Well, it’s about time you cane. Yettey forces a srile at her and after she's gene, gery (to hinseis) ‘That's a geod sign. Me keeps clinbing. He arrives at the Seventh Fleer... 67 coTaz: FS EE ER AB Oe Auguss 9, 1984 BLUE vnver 31. ves and tints Nober 719, Re keocks and waits. He looks hallway is exty. azcund.. the Yes? what is te? oorrrey Pest emtrol... gotta do your apactrent.., coromy Ch Ged, that stuff stinks. (as he goes in) Nope... t's new smff,.. no sell. Ch yeah, ‘DORCTEY that’s good. NT. DOROTEY'S ARAN Ea SSS wef gt eet ce There is a windew above detSey locks arcend to watching hin spraying. is jammed, haseboarts, spraying. All the while! Agee Teck a oe eS fea Shag Secsei G82 the fie sscene, $62 wat Derothy is going ant she The is saller than he fe ase fo Me seravs the Hetion very Sloviy and Sasa believe the Suddenly, there is a inocking at the doer, Doromy Whae is this.. + Grand Central Station? be taming our atound Davee! 3 eo the has wee Boras Sie lefr locks othe van 12 gene ‘The thing S20 opens the doer, Jeffrey looks... It's net Sandy. ABN, with is standing there, Jeftrey bezins to sveat, to his, Do: ay Air ddan rothy says whole y when JefS-ey foors a kev on th seen ied Soe heli Ie SEA ee wraps things up"and gets out! (to Dorothy) that cushes it, Yeah. Doromy 68 70 cr Aaguse 9, 1984 ae VESET 32. 69 3. he fints Sardy with her ‘ ey Yeah... itt ‘3 get cuta here... Hhat, As they go domstatrs, Ssany . Twas just about to to the door, when ‘that man did ny jeb for me, Was it alright? 70 Bey set to the door of the apartment building, - CERRY You go first. ‘EC. Lacan steer + pay . nh Paty leave the buliding secarately, When Jeffrey cets to the car, Sey tenis these, He locks all around. Be stares the cer ana ves off, There, up ahead, he spots her, Re pulls ever and she gets in. commu august 9, 1984 me veer 33... Sve. what's next? SEFFREY Pretty clever... Are you game for more? sxoy . T owe you... since I geofed up this eng. 72 BT. REAGONES' Gains wos pay ee Jetiey is éxiving Sandy heme, . sro You mally vant to ¢o this, con't you? } SEFFREY Leon's went you to get imelved, realty, 7 wash, f do, bee if stmeching went wring’ $ : mean, like you said, they my be inveloet in murder, : , They pull ep in front of Sandy's house, { “n 73 August 9, 1984 Ree vEvET 34, OID: “oa ‘SANDY T already knew. The “Slow Club." It's on Route 7, JEFFREY Great... 2°22 pick yeu up armund eight o'Slock. “IS that qnod? SANDY Yeah, but don't pick me Opes. my father may Phink dets strange... I'L) tank oves to your house, I'll be there at eight o'clock, ? JEFFREY Gkay. You better cet oun before sonecne sees us. RESLSESS Out of the car ard withoue muming arand walks into her house. Jegtray calle our agter best Sea ya! . DISSELVE To: DWT. SEAS HANG Rig’ sree cry BSE Ty, sce ‘The television is an. Some crime show is Playing, bet the SCOND is very low, Bre FAMISY DOCTOR is over and is giving Mes. Beaczent an ‘niection of medicine, Ame Barbara is sieving Teasty, ACNT BARBARA I'LL see to it, ail, OR. Gate Good, MRS. REAIMONT 2 feel fine, DR. Gre ERY 2,Pot the point... “You're unter a great fart of stress... don't overdg tess) ager be foolish. commu EMRE NOD ee 7 commen: vetzey exsers ‘the S788 aay goodnighs, Doctor Gyre... ey whole family's sick .,, What's gbing en? (to hts mother) Cen Z use the car tonight? 38S. Beno OF course, Jetarey. . They say thas soodnichts, Cc 74 SELES EET 0 es ee cae ant atts ee noes ard shops co by. RE she is timed aay, VetSrry tims and looks at han, Sandy is thinking, Avguse 9, iseg SLE Vinver a¢,, 14 cana: 74 un back to her Then we! erive to aparSent and T wilh = mysels there, soy Tats de poe my usual Fritay nighe: tt: BC. Stow Gume* = weer 76 76 Goed evening... tun? SEFFREY ‘Yeah... Could we get a mall table in the SLEAZY eotRE ps Surely, come this val Tey follow hin and axe sentes, MATTRE pt May T get vou somthing to dxinc? iid Like an ice-cold Heineken, snoy, . (she might as weil) ‘That sounds geod. cTREL Teo. MATTRE pt ‘Top Heinekens, thank you, ‘The Maitre d! teaves, cage 2 FAT CODE is eedting jokes, The ckes are tailored for fis kind of werking-class Ger Be people are Lauching, The Place is almost full. Tettrey and Sandy are taking tf ait ine 78 80 Auge 9, 1994 ELE vewr BE. Sov come. ree Tey RETy 80 the car, get fn, and erive of, . oF to; ONT, BEASars: CAR - Nigar setSey and sandy doive ane, sheesh dark areas of the sity.” they Sart A SY Ge Beats ey SSS ty another, i ONT. Bears: CAVLSCOLN screzy sige yaa le ENTE SOO™ Setty Patese iss an gay RES. emy to ins. Jettzey cuts the engine, Zt Ls ver Tiiet, Bork GP one 2,808 LF anyone Le exe ez vacant cise cies to look ab Sot the font wintenians to She Sevenzh Fizcr, +, Sandy moves, a is Beard. San at Jetiey tor ake time, eS oe building, ; sor etSrey, I don't thick you SUght to do ie, thy noe? BER shouldn't have : sxoy ZEIS Sezy and cancers, Me £ 4 j R Seays {48 Sect cf your house for me, : okay? ° 38. 28 73 80 a0 supy Z'U1 honk tour tine’ WL hear is ang koow she's on her way poke Chay... thanks, saNDy passe PRY Lf you're d ceteceive ora Pervest. a1 cama; a0 Fore tine at Sandy, ‘Tey stare at each other . des: GAA see her 14, ‘ Watches hin ences eh Tray ana gh 4ck asnane sree SE, | Sandy SO REA ves ed og Se, eo * orm; Bt, SARA = Aenea sues — sean . a Re goes up ansther mi. wel Satan Sar SAEEEE UC 8 the tigen cc ant sas 82 fe quie pBe closet. “Once insides be checks out how much Be peasee. through ehe ante’ be bas a view of Ralf the apartments Thig’at vhere he vill stay, ZtBews amundone to release VE takes several Ssgp breathe. He locks at bis varch. Te saya "10:17. . 83 a4 37. RAINS’ CVE SEZ - on 83 BEERS Oe St, retiy wtching the parte nung 3. orcs azarae = sac 84 2 meet; REST Sees ns wescas ae reves amd sng as {| (~ es as a7 ag 89 90 cote: Tow veftrey sneaks See oe Sea BOIS At mas Dos say semen tg Soo to thy OSE Of the bathroan His foot hits the dost ana 48 cakes 2 led poses He freezes. . : ESE REEL tse ocsay vate es ae They walk ints the SNE. DORCTEY'§ Barer - Naa Jefirey iAscinctivery has flushed the toilet and becuse ONSET SPOUSE ste SDELY, he hesrs screchi, ps 8 key going in the door, Ee bolts Sorard the closer. ES LET oe eon, 45 the Sent door opens, Suddenly, the Bey Tefal and the tater shuts of = "Ses Soe Dorey Valtang at che geal comme a4 as a6 a7 as 90 August 9, 1986 ae veer Cy : 9 carne, to ~ Doron ty. tre watching Jesiz; trying { err frightened bree ° closet) the Thanks Jismy, see you temerzey... You want drink, ox sotething? oS wank a cDey v.0.) T better get back... “thanks anyway. bas on a bra and parties. She crosses the living room, goes down the ballvay into the athroom. carpi

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