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Hi Jack, good to hear from you!

I think the first thing you should do is get a good dictionary –

one with examples as well as meanings.
You could also look on the internet for some free Spanish language activities.
You need plenty of practice so why don’t you ask your teacher if she can find you a Spanish e-
Also if I were you, I would write all the new words that you learn in a notebook.
If you have time to watch a Spanish movie, this will help your listening skills.
Finally, have you tried listening to Spanish music? It might be fun to see how much you can
understand. Good luck!
Last Saturday was my birthday and so I spent the day doing my favorite things.
At breakfast, I opened all my presents. I got a new bike from my parents and a book from my
It was sunny so after breakfast, I rode my bike to my friend Samson’s house.
I met my friends outside to play football but it was raining.
We bought all our favorite snacks and drinks before the film started.
For lunch, we went to the pizza restaurant and then we rode back to my house. I had a big
birthday cake and everyone sang happy birthday.

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