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|. GEOGRAPHY OF ABRA Location and Boundary. - The Province of Abra is located approximately between latitude 17 48° 15" North and latitude 17 11' 17" North and between longitude 120 27’ 32" East and iongitude 121 07' 17° East. It is bounded on the north by llocos Norte and Apayao, a sub-province of Mountain Province, on the south by locos Sur and Bontoc sub-proviince of Mountain Province, on the south by locos Sur and Bontoc sub-proviince, an the east by Kalinga sub- province and on the west by llocos Sur. Geological and Geographical Features. - Abra has a total land area of 3,809.9 square kilometers, which is mostly rugged and mountainous and covered with forests. The bedrock is volcanic and ignocus, overlaid by limestone, sandstone and by recent alluvium. There is gold dust along the Binongan River while traces of copper, coal and iron pyrites have been discovered along the Abra River. Of mineral springs in the province only that of Iomon River fs known. Its temperature ranges from 70 to 80 Farenheit with a flow of 3 to 4 cubic centimeters per ascend. This province derived its name from the Abra River, which “opens” (in Spanish ‘abrir’) an outlet into the sea through the narrow Banauang Gap. The Abra River flows from far south of the coastal plain and runs north, parallel to the coast, for about 85 miles. Even during low water the river is too swift for boats, 30 all passengers and freight are carried on bamboo rafts. During heavy rains the swollen waters which cannot easily pass through the narrow Banauang Gap cause great destruction. On the flood plains (piains that are formed by the soil deposited when ri overflow) where the river turns west and along the Sinalang, Tineg, Malanas, Ba- ay, Saquet, and Magayepyep rivers, which are tributaries of the Abra River, are located most of the villages and towns including Bangued, the capital. It is when the southwest and northeast monsoons blow that Abra has heavy rainfall and, consequently, rich valleys. The people in the valleys are llokanos, while those in the mountains are Tinggians. The rich valleys have also attracted people from other provinces. Political Subdivisions. - The Province of Abra consists of 18 regular municipalities, namely: Bangued, Bucay, Danglas, Dolores, Laganglang, Lagayan, Langiden, La Paz, Luba, Manabo, Penarrubia, Pidigan, Pilar, Sal lapadan,” San Juan, San Quintin, Tayum and Villaviciosa; and 19 municipal districts, namely: ‘Alaoa, Anayan, Bay, Bangilo, Bolinoy, Bucloc, Buneg, Caganayan, Daguieman, Danac, Lacub, Lanes, Licuan, Malibcong, Mataragan, Naglibanan, Tiemplo, Tineg and Tubo, In tum, these municipalities and municipal districts are further subdivided into 226 barrios.

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