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Assignment week20:

Take the same form, which has been designed during the week18(i.e.
assignment week18).

Task 1:
a. set the button action for New button.
b. if you click on the New button then it should work like
as the reset button.
Task 2:
a. set the button action for Save button.
b. when Save button is clicked, a dialog box should be
generated with appropriate message.
Ex: Hello! <first name> Your record is being saved.
Task 3:
a. Create a menu bar having File, About, Help menu.
b. create submenus Open, New, Save, Exit inside File menu.
c. apply the same condition for New option of File menu that
you already applied for New button
d. apply the same condition for Save option of File menu that
you already applied for Save button
e. write the code for exit submenu, so that registration form
window should be closed when Exit option of file menu is

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