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LET function example

ID Name Points
103 Alexis 111 ID 131
107 Jason 407
111 Juan 310 Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!
115 Julia 149
119 Miranda 422
123 Eriko 467
127 Thomas 284
131 Finn 342
135 Elias 207
139 Monika 181
141 Annette 325
143 Gabriela 392
Without LET Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!

With LET Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!

LET + line breaks Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!

part 1 & part2 Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!
with XLOOKUP Hi, Finn, you have 342 points. Great job, Finn!

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