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II) Types of sentences by purpose:

Sentence by purpose refers to the function of the sentences. The purpose of some sentences is to
make a statement (declaration).

Four types of sentence purposes exist in the English language:

1) Declarative sentence:

Most sentences are declarative. They are used to make simple statement, or declaration. Declarative
sentence give simple information or idea. They are punctuated with a simple period.

Ex: The concert begins in two hours.

Ex: Red is my favorite color.

Ex: Kiwi is a tropical fruit.

Ex: I am going to town. (I declare something)

*The declarative sentence does nothing more than give the facts or lets someone know something.

2) Interrogative sentence: (?)

It is used to ask a question. It is the one that ends in a question mark.

Ex: How are you?

Ex: Have you taken any Agricultural Engineering classes?

* Interrogative sentence is divided into four types:

. Yes/No interrogative sentence

. Alternative interrogative (two or more alternative answers/a choice) ex: do you want coffee or tea?

. WH question (what, where, when, who, why, how)

. Tag questions (They are questions attached onto the ending of a declarative statement)

Ex: you live in the city, don’t you?

3) Exclamatory sentence: (!)

This sentence always ends in an exclamation point, and it is said when a whole lot of excitement is
going on.

Ex: What a beautiful day!

Ex: I am very happy!

Ex: I won the lottery!

4) Imperative sentence:
Imperative sentence is the one that gives request, suggestion, advice or command to someone or
something. The pronoun you is always implied. They can be affirmative or negative. These sentences
usually end in a period or exclamation point.

Ex: Feel free to text me later.

Ex: Have a rest.

Ex: Enjoy your meal.

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