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“Pukio: agua para todos”

Now I have to introduce you to an important researcher. With is invention

“Pukio:agua para todos”

What is your name?

My name is Luis Gómez

How old are you?

-I’m 43 years old

Where are you from?

-I’m from Peru

What is your occupation?

-I have 2 occupations are teacher and engineer

What is your invention?

-I made this invention with other people, the name of my group is Inventum
and the name of the invention was Pukio

What is the problem that your

invention solves?
-The pollution of the planet

What is your dream?

-Have a clean planet with a better quality of life

What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future is that they have water for everyone

● Paul antony mina alvitez
● Ever Eduardo Machaca Chuquimamani

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