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Categorized By Year Categorized By Location

Sales-02 Sales-03 Sales-04 Sales-05 Central Eastern

Central $52,000 $55,000 $52,000 $53,000 Sales-02 $52,000 $23,000
Eastern $23,000 $20,000 $25,000 $24,000 Sales-03 $55,000 $20,000
Western $64,000 $40,000 $67,000 $60,000 Sales-04 $52,000 $25,000
Northern $16,000 $32,000 $40,000 $53,000 Sales-05 $53,000 $24,000
ized By Location
Western Northern
$64,000 $16,000
$40,000 $32,000
$67,000 $40,000
$60,000 $53,000
Sample Sales
Location Units Sold Profit
Jan-07 31 $25,600
Feb-07 80 $27,000
Mar-07 43 $54,000
Apr-07 45 $25,600
May-07 46 $22,200
Jun-07 45 $28,900
Jul-07 71 $43,000
Aug-07 62 $62,000
Sep-07 56 $42,000
Oct-07 70 $96,000
Nov-07 14 $33,000
Dec-07 81 $82,000
Jan-08 47 $143,000
Feb-08 24 $45,000
Mar-08 16 $25,000
Sample Sales
Location Units Sold Profit
Jan-07 31 $25,600
Feb-07 80 $27,000
Mar-07 43 $54,000
Apr-07 45 $25,600
May-07 46 $22,200
Jun-07 45 $28,900
Jul-07 71 $43,000
Aug-07 62 $62,000
Sep-07 56 $42,000
Oct-07 70 $96,000
Nov-07 14 $33,000
Dec-07 81 $82,000
Jan-08 47 $143,000
Feb-08 24 $45,000
Mar-08 16 $25,000
Number of Students in
Each Room
Male Female
Cafeteria 42 24
Lounge 13 16
Games Ro 73 40
Lecture Ha 31 40
Library 19 18
Number of Students in
Each Room
Male Female
Cafeteria 42 24
Lounge 13 16
Games Ro 73 40
Lecture Ha 31 40
Library 19 18
Number of Students in
Each Room
Male Female
Cafeteria 42 24
Lounge 13 16
Games Ro 73 40
Lecture Ha 31 40
Library 19 18
Number of Students in
Each Room
Male Female
Cafeteria 42 24
Lounge 13 16
Games Ro 73 40
Lecture Ha 31 40
Library 19 18
Number of Students in
Each Room
Male Female
Cafeteria 42 24
Lounge 13 16
Games Ro 73 40
Lecture Ha 31 40
Library 19 18
Sample Sales
Location Units Sold Profit
Jan-07 31 $25,600
Feb-07 80 $27,000
Mar-07 43 $54,000
Apr-07 45 $25,600
May-07 46 $22,200
Jun-07 45 $28,900
Jul-07 71 $43,000
Aug-07 62 $62,000
Sep-07 56 $42,000
Oct-07 70 $96,000
Nov-07 14 $33,000
Dec-07 81 $82,000
Jan-08 47 $143,000
Feb-08 24 $45,000
Mar-08 16 $25,000
Company Volume High Low Close
ABC Co 10,000 47 40 43
BCD Co 12,000 48 40 47
CDE Co 13,000 46 41 44
DEF Co 7,000 48 45 47
EFG Co 8,000 50 47 48
FGH Co 24,000 55 54 57
GHI Co 20,000 54 50 52
IJK Co 12,000 56 50 53
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
-5 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15
-4 20 16 12 8 4 0 -4 -8 -12
-3 15 12 9 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9
-2 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6
-1 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
2 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
3 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9
4 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
5 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
4 5X
-20 -25
-16 -20
-12 -15
-8 -10
-4 -5
0 0
4 5
8 10
12 15
16 20
20 25
Sales Projected Actual
Sales-02 23 20
Sales-03 64 40
Sales-04 16 32
Sales-05 14 32
Age Reflex Time
40 0.37
33 0.43
78 0.076
34 0.41
70 0.13
62 0.17
61 0.19
33 0.43
32 0.45
34 0.38
29 0.48
27 0.55
52 0.25
33 0.43
29 0.46
41 0.34
40 0.35
33 0.45
78 0.1
34 0.38
70 0.14
62 0.2
61 0.17
33 0.4
32 0.5
34 0.41
29 0.55
27 0.6
52 0.25
33 0.39
29 0.39
41 0.3

Home / Conditional Formatting

Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday
Guy Vanderanan 14 16 20 48 38
Toby Khan 4 28 57 112 94
Sarah Astropovich 30 31 45 30 29
Jack Prentice 8 4 4 18 3
Michael Scott 12 29 11 4 18
Dwight Schrute 74 30 68 24 29
Sam Halpert 33 30 23 32 32
Jim Halpert 4 29 8 12 12

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