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Subject – We need your help in developing the smartest minds in the country

through carnival around quizzes and debates.

Hi Team CodingNinjas,
A very good evening to you.
At ACCUMEN, we’ve always had one vision in our mind, to polish young minds and
take them to their true potential. Our annual quizzing fest, ShabdhYudh-The war of
the words, has been hugely popular among students from our college and many
other olleges. This Time, we’re aiming to raise Rs 1,00,000 to fund ShabdhYudh 2021,
which will be grander and bigger than ever before.
As a company who already visits our campus for summer placements, this will serve
as an opportunity for you to recognize the brightest minds in our college and will also
help you familiarize with the students. We will also advertise your brand in all our
brochures and social media content. The Accumen pages on Instagram and Facebook
amasses around 20,000 followers from various B-Schools, and we will put you across
to them.
Hoping to hear from you soon.

Warm Regards,

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