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SA-3 Revision W.

S-1 (2020-21)
GRADE: II Subject: English
Name: _____________________________________________ Date: 26-02-2021

I. Read the sentences. They are out of order. Put the sentences in order (1-5).

II. Create a simile by completing each comparison below.

III. Rewrite each sentence correctly with a capital letter and add punctuation.

1. i don’t like peas

2. how much do they have
3. did you know
4. we made lots of bubbles

IV. Circle the nouns and write a sentences using two nouns.


V . Answer the following questions.

1. What is the 20th letter of the alphabet? ______________

2. What is the 15th letter of the alphabet? ______________

3. Put the following words in alphabetical order.

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