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What is genius? Probably, many asked this question.

Maybe genius is a non-

standard mindset, making new discoveries. Everyone knows at least a couple of
names of genius people: they can be legendary scientists, amazing poets,
incredible painters.
A person becomes a genius not from birth, but thanks to his perseverance and
hard work. In order to be considered a genius, you need to show your best side,
constantly improve, not stop at the achieved goal.

As an example of extra-odirnary person in social and politics life I can name Nelson
Mandela.Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary,
politician, and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994
to 1999. I admire him because he was the country's first black and he not afraid of
the reproaches head of state and the first elected in a fully representative
democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of
apartheid by tackling institutionalised racism and fostering racial reconciliation. He
fought for human rights, and it stayed for 27 years in tyurme. Also, this person is
the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

In our country we also have a lot of famous people.For example Tadeusz

Kosciuszko. Kosciuszko was born and raised in the countryside around Kosava, a
small Belarusian town 200km away from Minsk.The political and military figure of
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, leader of the rebellion against Russian rule
in 1794, he became a national hero of Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and the U.S.He
achieved his greatest military success by defending Warsaw against besieging
Russian and Prussian forces. Before that, he fought on the U.S. side in the War of

A close friend of Thomas Jefferson’s, with whom he shared ideals of human rights,
Kosciuszko wrote a will dedicating his U.S. assets to the education and freedom of
U.S. slaves.

Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of
reasons. Here were hundreds of people throughout the history who are left in the
memories of millions of people. They are Albert Einstein, George Washington,
Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi and many others. Their
impact on the world development cannot be underestimated.
Most people know Albert Einstein from the picture above their blackboard and
only remember that he was considered to be a very stupid person. Although in
reality he completely changed the way we perceive time and space, gravity and
George Washington is thought to be the Father of American history. For twenty
years he was leading the county to greater future. He believed that hard work,
public service and worshiping of God is the key to successful life. Due to his
outstanding character he became the first President of the country. No other
American is honored the way Washington is.

There are many different types of arts in the world. The most popular ones are
cinema, theater, literature, music and painting. My favourite its painting. And I
know a lot of incedibles painters. However, my favourite artist is William Turner.
He is a well-known English painter, who mostly created romantic landscapes. He
was only 12 years old when he started drawing. His childish sketches are still
preserved in the British Museum. At the age 21 he began exhibiting his works at
the Royal Academy. Most of those works were water-colours and oil paintings.
Turner was a real traveler. He visited France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, but he
never lost interest in his own country. As a landscaper, he was mainly interested in
light and colour effects. One of his famous paintings is even called “Light and
Colour”. All his works are highly praised by critics. Turner died in London in 1851.
His paintings are considered to be the property of the British nation.

What about me, I have not yet decided what I will do in the future, but I want to
connect my life with an interesting profession. in which I will travel a lot and do
what I love
I don't think we should be successful in everything. we must be good at our

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