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This is one of the popular movies raised in 2019 titled “Maleficent Mistress of Evil” or people called

“Maleficent 2”. It happens because it is the next sequel of Maleficent 1 raised in 2014. It was such a
successful movie in a whole world. The movie is about a fantasy and fairy tale covered by romance,
dramatic story, and action. It is released in USA which is directed by Joachim Ronning. It continuous the
story in which the main character has stronger enemies. In actuality, maleficent is known as the evil fairy
in the story of sleeping beauty means that the character is an antagonist. But in the movie maleficent,
she portrays as an evil fairy with a warm and beautiful heart. She comes back and the story sequally
continues. It is starred Angelina Jolie as Maleficent, Elle Fanning as Aurora, and Sam Riley as Diaval. But
for the character of Prince Philip gets replacement the actor becomes Harries Dickinson.

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