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Relationships with people

1. How many friends do you have?

2. Do friends play an important role in your life?
3. How many close friends do you have?
4. What activities do you share with your friends?
5. What personal characteristics do you value in your friends, and why?
6. Why do you think it is important to keep friendship?
7. What would you recommend those teenagers who wanted to have friends online?
8. Who do you like to spend your free time with and why?
9. Have you got the best friend?
10. Where did you meet your best friend?
11. What is he/she like?
12. Is he/she a good listener?
13. Do you often argue with your best friend? Why?
14. Do you tell secrets to your friend?
15. Can you always rely on your friends?
16. Do you like making new friends?
17. What qualities should a true friend have?
18. Do you have any pen pals?
19. How do you usually spend time with your friends?
20. Do you often quarrel with your friends?
21. Has your friend ever let you down?
22. What is friendship?
23. Why is it important to have friends?
24. What common interests do you have with your friends?
25. Are common interests important for friends?
26. Do you have friends among your classmates?
27. What annoys you in your friends?
28. Would you like to have more friends than you have now?
29. Does age matter for friends?
30. What qualities of character are important in your opinion?
31. What are your best characteristics?
32. Which characteristics you would like to have?
33. Is it important for a person to be/ not to be shy?
34. Do you get irritated by talkative people? Why/ why not?
35. How do you feel in a company of unknown people?
36. Are you good at meeting new people?
37. Is it good to be optimistic? Why/ why not?
38. Do you agree that there is only one best friend, others are just acquaintances? Why/ why not?

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