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- Sensory - receives and encodes from senses, less than one.

- Short-term - acoustically, seven bits, less than 30.
- Long-term - after rehearsal, unlimited, holds for lifetime.
(S) - Murdock, showed st and lt separate, p recalled first and last words.
(S) - P app, students revision - rehearsal.
(W) - flashbulb, remembered wheter rehearsed or not.

- Episodic - personal events.
- Semantic - facts and general knowledge.
- Procedural - muscle memory, action skills.
(S) - Tulving, PET, semantic and episodic separate.
(S) - Clive Wearing, procedural intact - play piano, episodic not - wedding day.
(W) - Semantic begin as episodic, linked.

- Not exact copy of past events.
- Effort after meaning.
- We believe they’re accurate - distorted.
- Bartlett believes this happens when gaps in memory.
(S) - Bartlett, p retold story and altered to fit understanding (‘canoes’ to ‘boats’).
(S) - P app, effort after meaning for court and witnesses.
(W) - Low eco, supporting study aritifical.
- Sensorimotor - senses, movement, object permanence.
- Pre-op - unable to apply, egocentrism.
- Concrete - apply logic to physical.
- Formal - apply logic to abstract and theoretical.
(W) - Faulty, counters task, kids asked twice.
(W) - Naughty teddy, kids under 7 had conservation.
(S) - P app to edu, concept of readiness, counters in math for concrete.

- Success due to mindset.
- Fixed - intelligence is genetic.
- Growth - intelligence is flexible.
- Can change through training.
(S) - Year 7, study skills, basic revision (fixed), brain changes (growth).
(S) - P app to edu, teachers should give small tests rather than one final.

- Each person differs.
- Visual - reading or seeing, like to see, remember by look.
- Auditory - listening or speaking, remember by sound.
- Kinesthetic - moving, make things, remember with physical.
- Verbaliser - process verbally, think with words, verbal rehearsal.
- Visualiser - process visually, think in images, learn from pics and diagrams.
(S) - P app to edu, alternatives to tradition, progress with preferred style.
(W) - too many to work out and practice, 71.
(W) - Willingham, no such thing as v or v, no evidence, pointless.
- No such thing as v or v.
- If meaning is understood style doesn’t matter.
- Style should match content.
- Difficulty solved with practice.
- No evidence.
(W) - Ref by styles, everyone has one, allows them to succeed.
(S) - P app, helps teachers, style fits content, auditory for languages.
(W) - Extracting creativity, less imaginatively, impact negatively.

- Innate and adaptive - born, evolution.
- Direct - p and s same thing, no brain needed.
- Ecological - env has visual cues, sense of shape and distance.
- Cues - texture, color, motion parallax.
- Affordances - perceive every object with possibilites of action.
(S) - Visual cliff, under 6 months didn’t cross, took caution.
(W) - Reductionist, no Gregory.
(W) - Ref from B and M, influenced by past experiences.

- Perception is constructed.
- Actively, inferences on past = perceptual hypothesis.
- All different.
- Growth = broader experiences = sophisticated.
- Visual illusions - brain misusing strategies, shows cognitive.
(W) - Visual cliff, infants no prior experience, innate.
(W) - Reductionist, no Gibson.
(S) - B and M, influenced by past experiences.

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