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This report aims to find out and assess self-confidence in the school environment, especially among

Introduction of bacground

Self-confidence is an attitude or belief in one's own abilities, so that in taking actions you don't

anxious too often, feel free to do things as you wish, and have responsibility for decisions and
actions taken. Confidence is important, with confidence students can achieve success in facing an
increasingly challenging life. For that, how to increase the students' self-confidence.

Self-confidence is confidence in one's own abilities and judgment in carrying out tasks and choosing
an effective approach. This includes confidence in his abilities.

Body off report

4. Self-confidence is a person's belief and attitude towards his abilities by accepting what is, both
positive and negative, which are formed and learned through the learning process with the aim of
making himself happy. Lack of self-confidence can hinder students' understanding in studying
accounting economics. Lack of trust is often seen when students are doing practice questions or
when expressing their opinions. He was afraid that a class would make fun of him if his opinion was
far from perfect. Sometimes the symptoms of lack of confidence appear suddenly, without being
noticed by someone when doing something so that the person cannot bring out his abilities

Confidence is one of the keys to success. A student who does not have self-confidence will hinder
the development of intellectual achievement, skills and independence and make the student unable
to socialize. These students lack the courage to actualize themselves in the social environment. Lack
of self-confidence makes a person angry with himself and results in disruption of learning
achievement. Most students who feel that they have failed with their achievements find it difficult
to develop self-confidence. Fear of challenging tasks, fear of failure, and accustomed to taking on
tasks that have no challenges.

From these problems, several teacher efforts are needed that are able to foster student confidence
in learning accounting economics, namely: 1) Giving Feedback, is feedback given by a teacher when
students succeed in doing a task or are able to solve a problem in learning well. The forms can vary
and are often very simple but it is very important to increase their self-confidence. For example,
when students are able to complete accounting work, the teacher gives feedback in the form of
praise. 2) Delivering realistic learning objectives that will be mastered by students. 3) Provide equal
participation When the teacher provides learning activities, give each student the same opportunity
to participate. Give opportunities according to their abilities. Students in the classroom are very
unique and no one is the same, therefore teachers need to know them one by one in depth including
their abilities. 4) Creating a safe and comfortable learning atmosphere. Instill to all students that
regardless of the appearance and opinion of their friends, they should never be laughed at. It's
natural if one of them can't, is still wrong, a little nervous, and so on because all of them are still in
the learning stage. 5) Provide understanding to students that imperfections and mistakes are the
key to good learning. When teachers show that it is a very human thing, they will never feel afraid or
threatened if they participate even though they make imperfections and mistakes and show
corrective steps that must be taken. taken by students. 6) The teacher shows enthusiasm in
teaching. The enthusiasm of the teacher reflects his confidence in front of the class. This will be
passed on to his students. 7) Provide opportunities for students to make improvements to every
mistake experienced by students. 8) The teacher divides the lesson into small units, for example in
the company's financial statements, which will be divided into a profit and loss statement, a
statement of changes in capital and a balance sheet. So that the material presented will be easier
and foster a sense of motivation and confidence in students.

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