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Topic: Global Migration

Exercise 8. Family Travel History

1. For this exercise, you need to create a map showing the travels of all the members of your family that you can recall.
In your map, put an arrow of the area of destinations. You will create two separate maps that visualize (1) internal travel
(within the country) and (2) international travel (outside the country). [If you have no international travel, there’s no
need for another map.]


2. After drawing and plotting the map, answer the following questions:

a. From your maps, how will you describe the movement of your family?

-We tend to go to places around us near us.

b. What are the reasons of the travels made by your family members? (List all possible reasons)

 Vacation
 Reunion
 Celebrations
 Invitations
 Visits

c. If you have limited travels, what are the usual reasons why you/your family do not travel much?

One reason is that my parents are busy and we don’t have a car.

d. Is your experience as a family reflective of global migration? Why or why not?

No, my experience as a family is not reflective of global migration because we only travel for fun and we’re not
migrating there for good.

e. Do you have family members who work as Overseas Filipino Workers? If yes, what are the opportunities and
challenges that your family experienced which are related to working abroad?

My aunt works abroad, she has job and economic opportunities in Taiwan than here in the Philippines. The
challenges are being home sick and of course language barriers.

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