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Tabasco 293

TU DIRECCIÓN Col. Roma 06700

Mexico D.F

The Director
Swan School of English DIRRECIÓN A QUIEN
3152 Redwood Avenue VA DIRIGIDO
San Francisco

March 22, 2012.


Dear Madam.
SALUDO: Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + apellido

Dear Sir/Madam (Si no conoces el nombre o

I am interested in coming to San Francisco this summer to do a
language course.
PÁRRAFO INICIAL: Motivo de la carta o
referencia a algo que ha ocurrido

I would be grateful if you could send me a brochure of the school

and some information about the area. Could you also tell me how
many students are usually on these courses and which countries
they come from?
SEGUNDO PÁRRAFO: Descripción de lo que
necesitas, o lo que deseas que ocurra.

Thank you very much for your help. I am looking forward to hearing
from you.
TERCER PÁRRAFO: Referencia a una
comunicación futura

Yours truly.
CIERRE: Yours truly /
Sincerely yours. Carmen Lopez

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