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Mc Charlie D.

Ugay 11/18/21

The Entrepreneurial Mind

08 eLMS Activity 2

1. How does occupying an uncontested market space help the entrepreneur to break out of red
oceans? [Although the answer can be found on Page 2 of 08 Handout 1 (first paragraph), provide
other possible answers.]

- Occupying an uncontested market area assists the entrepreneur in breaking out of red seas since
an uncontested marketplace develops demand for itself that is unknown to others. Also, this makes the
competition more relevant, and the emphasis is on establishing and not competing. Occupying an
uncontested market area also wants to test a company's boundaries, which will allow them to consider
another alternate technique for breaking out of red seas. Furthermore, the fundamental element of
owning an uncontested market is that the firm must know how to reinvent or innovate the market and
break through the restrictions that will propel it forward explore all the choices and to assist you in creating
a blue ocean and breaking free from the red ocean as a result, occupying an uncontested market position
will undoubtedly assist the entrepreneur in breaking out of red oceans.

2. How will the Four (4) Actions Framework help an entrepreneur in pursuing a venture?

-The four actions framework might assist an entrepreneur in developing a business since it is a
useful tool for facilitating and identifying the value aspects that are generated, enhanced, diminished, or
deleted. These four actions framework will serve as a guide and will be utilized to reconstruct value
elements to create a new value curve or strategic profile to assist an entrepreneur in developing a business.
Furthermore, the four steps framework will assist an entrepreneur in unleashing the potential of a new
blue ocean. Without a four-step structure, an entrepreneur would be misled by anything and may abandon
a company. Overall, the four activities framework may assist an entrepreneur in pursuing a business
because it has been established and tried by several sole proprietors, many of whom are now successful in

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