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BOOK TITLE: NO WAY HOME (Stories of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Malaysia)

Author: Teo Ann Siang

The book is divided into three parts, narrating the stories of the Rohingyas in three countries namely
Bangladesh, Myanmar and Malaysia. It is not an academic or research publication, and therefore the
narrative approach has been adopted to present the stories to us.

There are total of 29 real stories in this book, which were collected by the author through his
work in the humanitarian missions organised by MyCARE. I was touched and saddened upon reading
the stories. They include the struggles faced by women, the lost generation of teenagers and the
suffering of the refugees in their current living environment.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to know more about the humanitarian assistance
provided by activist in Malaysia. These include the establishment of the education centres by Tzu Chi
and MyCARE, medical assistance by Mercy Malaysia and the Malaysia Field Hospital in Cox’s Bazar,
Bangladesh which provides medical specialist services in the biggest refugee camp in the world.

This book should be read by everyone in order to understand the Rohingyas, classified by
the United Nations as the most persecuted minority in the world. We have to play the role of a
concerned citizen by learning more about the humanitarian crisis in Malaysia as well as around the
world. Now, I become one of the volunteer members in MyCARE. Alhamdulillah.

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