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Name : Zahratun Nupus

NIM : 2010117120018

Letter of Application

I am from Indonesia and currently, I live in Banjarmasin and study at Lambung Mangkurat
University majoring in English Language Education Study Program. I studied English for about
2 years and it still continues until now. I am still not fluent in English but I will continue to study
to improve my English skills.

When I was in school, I have always joined the scouts and had done a lot of camping. I like
to play with nature and I am interested in trying new things. I am friendly and love to help
others. I have also spent a lot of time training young people in Scouting.

In the future when I graduate from college, I want to work as a teacher and teach children or
youth. So I think this job would be perfect for me because of my experience and major.

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