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The Forthcoming Era Reconciliation Through the Acceleration of Energy Transition

“We are part of nature, not apart from nature” seems an excerption that is not just mere
rhetoric, but becomes an empirical statement today, tomorrow and in the future. We are
entering an era where humans as intelligent beings try to use their minds in the context of
understanding the development of a new world, a development in which there is an
adaptation of nature and mind to think of nature as an entity in the adaptation process.

Those who are able to adapt are not those who have large capital in the form of material, but
those who are able to optimize their potential to live sustainably according to environmental
ethics, the recent pandemic event has proven this. So, is there an effective way for big
investors to pour their funds for the preservation of nature? The answer is yes, one of which
is the application of a green economy through the acceleration of energy transition to
reduce carbon emissions.

Building back better the energy sector absolutely requires quick and coordinated action from
many stakeholders with a clean energy-based economic development method that is more
environmental and sustainable. One of the concrete efforts to apply the concept of clean
energy is through the acceleration of the energy transition, which means the transition from
fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
From the context of economy, the development of renewable energy sources is able to
absorb more workers with a lower capital cost than coal, due to the use of technology
reducing investment costs. The potential for renewable energy sources can be optimized by
efficiency and sustainability which is integrated into sub-systems including decentralisation,
decarbonisation and digitisation. It would serve energy resilience as well as delivering many
benefits like addressing economic slowdown, reducing energy costs, creating renewable
energy jobs and improving energy systems.
For many countries in the international scope, the distribution of renewable energy such as
solar panels must be distributed across many sectors, delivering power to customers
wherever they are. This decentralisation concept means energy resilience that can help
countries withstand disturbances and bring energy for million people who lack of it. Besides
creating resilience in terms of supply, renewable energy is able to reduce operational costs
and lower greenhouse gas emissions, this is a function of decarbonisation which puts
forward the principles of efficiency and scientific techniques. This is in line with what UN
Secretary-General António Guterres called at the beginning of the pandemic, "as we spend
huge amounts of money to recover from the coronavirus, we must deliver businesses
through a clean, green transition.”
Global's energy systems need to embrace digital solutions namely digitisation in order to
face rapid changes in the energy sector, helping to manage large amounts of data collection
and optimising increasingly complex energy systems. Apart from digitally strengthening, it is
also necessary to have a strong political commitment and sustainable policies in the energy
transition process to accelerate the widespread adoption of renewable energy.
Through the application of efficiency and sustainability, the prospects for the clean energy
sector in the future can be optimised to meet the full potential of renewable energy with one
main term, energy transition. The global societies should hold position as environmentalist
who can move away from oil and other fossil fuels as fast as possible and take
decentralisation, decarbonisation and digitisation strongly. With all the challenges faced,
international's clean energy sector has the opportunity and qualified sources to make a
transition, so it would serve the interrelated sustainable development goals and improve
energy economy for the better future.

Peranan programming sangat penting dalam era industri yang serba digital seperti saat ini. Dunia kerja
berbasis teknologi informasi membutuhkan tenaga profesional dengan spesialisasi khusus, coding salah
satunya. Perusahaan--perusahaan menawarkan kesempatan besar dan daya tawar tinggi bagi mereka
yang memiliki keahlian coding. Untuk itu kemampuan dalam menerapkan prinsip programming sangat
mutlak diperlukan bagi para pekerja untuk meningkatkan efektifitas kinerja dan karirnya, termasuk bagi
saya pribadi. Terlebih programmer menjadi sebuah profesi yang paling dicari saat ini terutama dalam
ruang lingkup Indonesia yang masih relatif rendah dari segi jumlah programmer handal yang dimililiki.
Guna meningkatkan kemampuan prgramming untuk dapat berkarir di industri berskala internasional,
tentunya harus disertai dahulu dengan kemampuan pribadi yang lebih matang.
Terlintas dalam pikiran saya tentang apa yang dapat saya investasikan dalam hal waktu dan upaya demi
pengembangan karir dan masa depan saya? Jawabannya ialah Jabar Coding Camp yang ingin saya ikuti,
dengan mengikuti program ini saya memiliki kesempatan emas untuk mendapatkan arahan dan ilmu baru
dalam mengaplikasikan coding dengan sebaik-baiknya. Ditunjang dengan mentor yang telah
berpengalaman, tentunya saya akan mendapatkan bimbingan yang sangat bermanfaat serta akan
membantu dalam mengevaluasi kekurangan yang dimiliki sebelumnya, sehingga saya dapat mengoreksi
berbagai hal yang harus diperbaiki dari pelatihan coding sebelumnya dan apa saja yang harus
dikembangkan kedepannya. Hal tersebut yang menjadi landasan motivasi untuk bergabung dengan
online training ini, terlebih pula tidak sepatutnya bagi saya untuk menyianyiakan kesempatan emas untuk
bergabung  dengan cara mengikuti pembelajaran dengan sebaik mungkin demi tercapainya hal yang ingin
saya capai.

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