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Name = Muhammad Ibrahim

ID Number = 320200403011

Page 56 (reading)

Question 1-2

1. C. Its changing landscape

2. D. That its weather can be extreme

Question 3-5

3. D. The work of art includes some written text

4. F. It is Artangel’s fist project outside the UK
5. H. Teh building it is in will also have a more practical use

Question 6-10

6. ix : Paragraph B
7. i : Paragraph D
8. v : Paragraph E
9. iii : Paragraph F
10. viii : Paragraph G

Page 58 (writing)

Topic : Some people think that there are things indoviduals can do to help prevent global climate
change. Others believe that action by individuals is useless and irrelevant and that it is only
governments and large business which can make a difference.

Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the

changes in the usual climate of the planet (regarding temperature, precipitation, and wind) that are
especially caused by human activities. As a result of unbalancing the weather of Earth, the
sustainability of the planet’s ecosystems is under threat, as well as the future of humankind and the
stability of the global economy. Individuals play an important role in protecting the environment and
preventing climate change for the following reasons.

The first reason, if everyone changed their habits to reduce the use of tools that produce
carbon dioxide, which is released from factories, homes, and vehicles. The amount of carbon dioxide
can be decreased which can make the effect of global warming can be reduced. People can use
environmentally friendly means of transportation such as bicycles or public transport instead of
individual vehicles such as motorcycles and cars.

Other reason, individuals, government, and large companies have to collaborate together in
order to produce an effective method to solve the problem. Individuals have an important role to act
to reduce the effects of global warming. The government can hold an activity and invite individuals
and large companies to work together. It is more powerful when everyone cooperates in doing one

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