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Nama : Yunda Putri Herawati

NIM : 20210120074
Kelas : TI 3/1


In this meeting you have to make an essay about your lovely hometown. The
essay must be at least on 3 paragraphs that consist of 5 sentences of each
paragraph. Below I give you some point to describe your essay:
1. Location - Describe the location of your hometown, where it is, how far and
how you could get there, describe the ambience, the weather and so on.
2. Local food - Describe the traditional cuisines, beverages, and any special
3. Local traditions/cultural activities - Describe the local traditions, culture and
activities that you could do there.

Type your essay here.


My hometown is in Kuningan which is in the province of West Java,

a small town known for its natural beauty. My hometown is very close to

where I live now, only 51km away. My parents married in Kuningan and lived

with my grandmother there, that's why I was born in Kuningan. Until I was 3

years old my grandmother died and my parents decided to move to Cirebon.

The temperature in Kuningan is much colder because it is in the mountains and

very close to Mount Ciremai. Kuningan is one of the natural tourist

destinations that must be visited when visiting West Java, an example of a very

famous tourist spot in Kuningan is Palutungan, a place in the middle of the

forest making the place very cool and beautiful.

In Kuningan, there are many special foods, one of which is Hucap, Hucap

is an acronym for Tahu and Kecap. One portion of this Kuningan breakfast

menu consists of tofu doused with peanut sauce and soy sauce, then sprinkled

with fried onions. As for other special foods from Kuningan, namely Peuyem

Ketan, Peuyeum Ketan is made using white glutinous rice through a

fermentation process. After fermentation, the ripe sticky rice tape will turn

green. Kuningan sticky tape has a sweet and legit taste because it uses guava

leaves as a wrapper and is processed by burning using firewood. In Kuningan

city there are also lots of cow and goat farms that's why many people buy pure

milk in Kuningan.

Seren taun ceremony is one of the Kuningan culture, this ceremony has

meaning in Sundanese as seserahan and taun means year. In accordance with

its meaning, this ceremony is usually held to commemorate the turn of the

year. As a sign of gratitude to the Creator for agricultural products, and at the

same time praying for the next year's event to be even better. There is also a

cingcowong ceremony, this ceremony was once held to perform a ritual to call

rain which is usually done during the dry season. But now it has developed into

an art performance by following the times. Don't forget the tradition in

Kuningan, most people use Sundanese to communicate with each other, very

different from other areas of Java.

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