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Anthony’s College
Liberal Arts and Education Department
SSP 101 – Gender and Society

Worksheet No. 15


Section: BSBA FM 3B

Answer the following:

1. How can education contribute to a better awareness of the root causes of conflicts or violence
at the:
a. Global
b. National
c. Regional
d. Community/local
e. Interpersonal lives?

Answer: First is the dismantling of a culture of war  whether expressed in armed conflicts or

domestic and community violence, media violence, violence in sports and even war toys. The
culture of war needs to be dismantled and transformed through active nonviolence and conflict
A second theme is living with justice and compassion. This calls for a transcendence of
structural violence rooted in unjust national and global structures and relationships and of the
dominant paradigm of corporate-led development and globalization from above. It calls for
social and economic justice locally, nationally and globally.
A third theme is promoting human rights and responsibilities to overcome violations that deprive
people of their dignity and freedoms. This includes human rights education in formal and
nonformal contexts.
Fourth is the need for intercultural respect, reconciliation and solidarity to overcome
discrimination, racism, xenophobia, injustice and conflict between diverse cultures and faiths,
and to build understanding and harmony through intercultural or multicultural education and
interfaith dialogue.
Fifth is living in harmony with the Earth. It is vital to halt ecological destruction and address the
climate change crisis that has been deepened by unsustainable development paradigms. This
includes personal and social transformation to reject over-materialistic consumerism.
A sixth theme focuses on cultivating inner peace, which is necessary for the recovery of peaceful
values and other dimensions of spirituality in a world marked by alienation, addictions and
excessive competition for possessions, commodities and power.

2. How can education simultaneously cultivate values and attitudes which will
encourage individual and social action for building more peaceful communities,
societies, and ultimately a more peaceful world?
Answer: The journey along these six possible and interrelated pathways will not be easy, quick
or smooth. It will demand commitment, courage and, above all, patience. It also calls for a
process of education that empowers, which then, hopefully, leads to transformation. Hence,
peace education and acting to build a culture of peace is not only about cognitive understanding
of the root causes of conflicts and violence in all its forms. Equally vital is how we educate for

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