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Berlyn Joy A.


Amazon Empire:
The Rise And Reign Of Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is not only one of the richest men in the world, he has built
a business empire that is without precedent in the history of America
capitalism. His power to shape everything from the future of work to the
future of commerce to the future of technology in unrivaled. Everything that
is admirable about amazon is also something that we should fear about it.
Because it is almost difficult to remember now that amazon started as an
online bookseller, before flaring out into a wide variety of products and
services. My point is that, what id someday amazon controls our life in the
near future? What would be happen to us? We don’t know that someday
our secret data’s would be revealed because of the power of amazon
nowadays. At the same time, amazon’s business has insinuated itself into
the fabric of modern life, bringing with it extraordinary convenience, but
easily overlooked in the crush of the day to day. It’s easy, of course, to see
a company like amazon as a nefarious force simply by virtue pf its size and
Bezos’ staggering personal wealth. Having conquered business, the
executive has literally set his sights on the stars ,and the documentary is
framed by Bezos’ investment in space exploration. In the documentary, an
amazon employee says that worker safety is a company priority, and that
warehouse workers enjoy generous benefits. But a group of former
warehouse workers, who appear on camera, don’t seem very satisfied by
such benefits. One thing more Amazon is that Amazon largely pays no
corporate tax precisely because it reinvests those profits into its operations.
Under a scenario where Amazon had no corporate tax breaks, it would
disincentive the company from reinvesting and thus creating greater
opportunity for the business and cities in which it operates.

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