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1. What process did you use to compile results?

 Decide who will take part in the survey.
 Choose the sort of survey you want to conduct (mail, online, or in-person)
 Create a survey with questions and a layout that you like.
 Distribute the questionnaire.
 Investigate the responses.
 Make a report on the findings.
2. Determine how to best present your results? (Pie chart? Graph? Written?)
We mostly use pie chart since when displaying a parts-to-whole relationship for categorical or
nominal data, pie charts make sense. Typically, the slices in a pie indicate percentages of the
total. When working with categorical data, the sample is frequently separated into groups, and the
responses are arranged in a specific order. Therefor for or finding out the gender percentage, the
amount of money that people are willing to pay and people’s willingness to par for our service,
we used pie charts. For some other information such as number of male and females who would
like to pay for our service, we used column chart to compare them together because column
charts are commonly used to compare many items within a specified range of values. If you need
to compare a single category of data between individual sub-items, such as, column charts are

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