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After listening carefully and attentively, I have a new and deeper understanding about
the sexual harassment. I have learned all about the forms of sexual harassment than can be
committed against any person, of any age, of any gender, relatives or not, friend or stranger,
even our partner in life. Sexual harassment is persistent, unwanted sexual advances, verbal
abuse, and/or demands for sexual favors. Behavior becomes illegal when enduring the
harassment is a condition of continued employment and creates an environment that is hostile
or intimidating. Sexual harassment is not consensual interaction, flirtation or friendship. Sexual
harassment is not a behavior that is mutually agreed upon. But ultimately sexual harassment is
against the law, and against the morality of the society.
How can sexual harassment be avoided? There are many ways which a person can do to
avoid this. In a work place specifically in schools, the school head, with the concurrence of the
employees (teaching and non-teaching), (1) it should be made clear that the work place does
not tolerate harassment, (2) information and education activities about harassment on all
employees on a regular basis, (3) develop an anti-harassment policy, (4) the school head should
be mean about the policy, it should be applicable to all, from top to bottom, including the
school head himself, the department heads, administration, etc. (5) with regards to
enforcement, strict compliance and penalty or sanctions should be made in accordance to
existing laws, rules, and regulations, and (5) strengthen the school grievance committee.
For each and every individual around us, specifically to the students, my only advise is
that we should be mindful about our safety and security. We should always look for the “red
flags”, we will never know when, where, and how we will become a victim of sexual
harassment. For this to happen, do research, expand our knowledge about sexual harassment
and how to avoid it. Learn to say “no” if needed.

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