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8th Lesson 01 – How Teachers Leran | Ingenious Minds English

Lesson 01 – How Teachers Learn

Q. 1. Working with the Text

1. Who was Nora? How did she become a friend of the teacher?
Ans. Nora was a five-year-old girl. The teacher once went to Nora’s house on a
weekend. He was a family friend. He helped Nora to read from a book and thus
became her friend.
2. How did the teacher observe Nora while learning?
Ans. The teacher sat still and silent while Nora read some pages from her book. He
only helped and guided her through her lesson when it was necessary.

3. What odd thing happened with Nora? Why was the teacher puzzled?
Ans. The odd thing which happened with Nora was that she misread a word several
times that was read correctly by her earlier. The teacher was puzzled because of
Nora’s act as she reminded him about his own classroom situation where students
seemed to forget things which they had learned.

4. Was Nora a careless child? How do you know?

Ans. No, Nora was a bright child. She concentrated fully on the lessons and most often
figured out the difficulties herself.

5. How should a teacher understand the problems of the children?

Ans. A teacher should try to understand the problems of a child by trying to see
things as though their eyes by treating the things the way they (students) do.

6. What experience popped into the teacher’s mind after Nora’s learning problem?
Ans. He had an experience of trying to figure out words that occurred most often on
a page from an Indian language. It took him a long time to recognize the word
that occurred most on a page. He would even go ahead without noticing it at
many places.
8th Lesson 01 – How Teachers Leran | Ingenious Minds English

7. Why are children of unlettered homes at a disadvantage?

Ans. We know it very well that home is the best and the first school of a child. Children
of unlettered homes are at a disadvantage because they do not find books lying out in
their homes and thus lack the familiarly with the shapes of words and letters.

8. How did the teacher learn from Nora?

Ans. The teacher learnt that a child has to get familiar with the shape of the letters or
words in general. He should not be surprised or upset at slow learning process of a
child. A teacher must appreciate the efforts made by a child and should give him
ample time for grasping.

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