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If I had to go to a desert island, I would burn a CD like the following tracklist:

• When I was a little girl, my parents had

a car with an audio cassette player. We
listened to an audiotape more than others,
that of Laurent Garnier's live recording at
L'Anfer, an old nightclub in Dijon that
closed in 2002. The electronic music
coming out of the speakers of the car
rocked me, this one faster than the others,
I laugh now that I understand the title. In
the middle of his vinyl set, the artist
chooses Wake up to continue his set then
he takes the microphone and shouts
“Wake Up Dijooon”. L'Anfer therefore
created the Wake Up DIJON evenings.
This recording dates from 1992, a year
before the release of the EP "à bout de
souffle" where we find this acid techno
song composed thanks to a Roland TB-
303. Laurent Garnier will even write to the
label that: " "Wake up" goes up to all those
who have come down to the Rex every
Thursday, to those who come to Dijon
once a month and of course to the DJs
who have played there You know who

Laurent Garnier at L'Anfer during the closing

Laurent Garnier at Back-to-school concert

About ten years ago I was

lucky enough to be able to
listen a house set to this artist
at the back-to-school concert
in Dijon, place de la Liberation
and I enjoyed it as much as
when I was little, that's why
"Wake up "would accompany
me to a desert island.
The second song I would like to bring to
my desert island is called "La terre est
ronde" and is composed by Frédéric
Favio, written and sung by Orelsan and
the video clip is directed by Orel's Orelsan – La terre est ronde CLIP OFFICIEL
brother, Clément Cotentin.
In this song, Orelsan talks about the fact
that you are never better than at home
and that all of life is a cycle. We find a
chorus then a verse and so on.
So popular, this song made
his career take off and won
him the prize for best
album (Le Chant des
Sirènes) at the Victoires de
la Musique 2012.
Album Le Chant des Sirènes Generic of Ne montre jamais ça à personne
Realized by COTENTIN Clément based on real life of

It was in 2012 that this music took on its full

meaning for me. For an organized trip, we left
from school with a bus and the whole class
sang the music that was playing on the radio,
La terre est ronde. On the way back, almost
arrived in front of the school, we all heard and
sang until the arrival of our parents, La terre
est ronde. The loop was then closed.
On my desert island, I
would like to be able to
listen to "Paint It Black" by
the British rock group, the
Rolling Stones to remember
the family moments spent
playing Guitar Hero III on
Xbox 360. We hear a singer
Guitar Hero III Paint It Black
but also other instruments Album and Vinyl Cover
such as drums, piano,
various guitars but also a
sitar. Therefore, we define
the song as raga rock
thanks to the borrowing of
the sitar, but it can also be
called psychedelic rock
because the song was
released in 1966.
The following piece is from a
traditional Irish poem by
William Butler Yeats written in
1889 then set to music by
various musicians like
Benjamin Britten. I had the
opportunity to sing it as a
soloist in the auditorium
accompanied by "Collèges en
Choeur" and an orchestra
composed of a piano, two
violins and two harps. A
beautiful experience that I
would like to be able to relive.
Marie-Amélie solo Auditorium, Dijon the location of the "Salley
Gardens" was on the banks of
the river at Ballysadare, banks
full of willows because "Salley"
refers to Salix, the great willow

Poem lyrics
The next song is the adaptation of the aria "Love is a rebel bird", from the opera Carmen by French
composer Georges Bizet. Indeed, in "carmen" by Stromae released in 2013, we find, as in the opera,
the melody of the verses, the interventions of the choirs "Prends garde à toi " and the
accompaniment to denounce the addiction to social networks, here tweeter. It has its place among
the other songs so that I never forget that social networks are addictive and overrated.

Carmen – “L’amour est un oiseau rebelle” Bizet, 1875 carmen – Stromae, 2013

Opéra de Paris, L’amour est un oiseau rebelle Clip carmen

I hope that on my desert
island there will be big trees
which will thus be able to
protect me and to provide for
my needs according to the
seasons as it is described in
the album Midnight Walkers
with the song "The Big Tree"
of Stand High Patrol

This track belongs to a hybrid

style called "Dubadub" which is
defined as a mixture of dub,
Hip Hop, bass music, and
digital reggae, we can also hear
techno and new wave
influences. It was during the
performance of Stand High
Patrol at the No Logo festival
2017 that my mom sent me a
message like: "There is in a big
tree in my garden :)" When I
now hear these song lyrics, I
think of her as if she were my Dub Factory august 11th , No Logo 2017
big tree. Stand High Patrol
Single cover
I Kissed Girl is originally a
Pop title by Katy Perry,
here we find the theme of bisexual flag
I Kissed Girl cover by Angèle
bisexuality with a cover by
Angèle, Belgian artist.
She offers a cover full of Being bisexual, I
emotion live on piano and recognized myself in
vocals at Studio Brussel. these lyrics which
allowed me to assume
This song has a strong this part of me.
meaning for me especially
with this calmer tone that
Angèle gives it.

Angèle promo picture of Balance ton Quoi

Bérurier Noir and their live "Porcherie" in 1989
will surely accompany me if I must go one day on
a desert island. They were an independent punk
band from the French alternative scene. The
Bérurier noir lyrics of this song match my ideas and I really Cover album
wanted to be at the 1989 concert to really hear
Loran on guitar and Fanfan on vocals.

I think back to the days spent in manifestations

to defend our rights and the "Bien Public" which
immortalized this moment with my greatest

My friend and me in Porcherie live in 1989


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