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EELE 3332 – Electromagnetic II

Chapter 11
Transmission Lines
Islamic University of Gaza
Electrical Engineering Department
Dr. Talal Skaik

2012 1
11.1 Introduction
Wave propagation in unbounded media is used in radio or TV
broadcasting, where the information being transmitted is meant for
everyone who may be interested.
Another means of transmitting power or information is by guided
structures. Guided structures serve to guide (or direct) the
propagation of energy from the source to the load.
Typical examples of such structures are transmission lines and
 Waveguides are discussed in the next chapter; transmission lines
are considered in this chapter.

Transmission lines are commonly used in power distribution (at
low frequencies) and in communications (at high frequencies).
A transmission line basically consists of two or more parallel
conductors used to connect a source to a load.
Typical transmission lines include coaxial cable, a two-wire line, a
parallel-plate line, and a microstrip line.
Coaxial cables are used in connecting TV sets to TV antennas.
Microstrip lines are particularly important in integrated circuits.
Transmission line problems are usually solved using EM field
theory and electric circuit theory, the two major theories on which
electrical engineering is based.

Figure 11.1 Typical transmission lines in cross-sectional view: (a) coaxial line, (b) two-wire line, (c) planar line, (d) wire above conducting plane,
(e) microstrip line.

11.2 Transmission Line Parameters
Transmission line parameters are:
R: Resistance per unit length. (Ω/m)
L: Inductance per unit length. (H/m)
G: Conductance per unit length. (S/m)
C: Capacitance per unit length. (F/m)

parameters of a
transmission line

Transmission Line

Transmission Line Parameters
The line parameters R, L, G, and C are uniformly distributed
along the entire length of the line.
For each line, the conductors are characterized by σc,µc,εc,=ε0,
and the homogeneous dielectric separating the conductors is
characterized by σ,µ,ε.
G ≠1/R; R is the ac resistance per unit length of the conductors
comprising the line and G is the conductance per unit length due to
the dielectric medium separating the conductors.
For each line:
G 
LC   and 
C 
Fields inside transmission line
•Transmission lines transmit TEM waves.
•V proportional to E,
•I proportional to H

11.3 Transmission Line Equations
Two-conductor transmission lines support a TEM wave; E and H
are perpendicular to each other and transverse to the direction of
E and H are related to V and I:

V    E.dl , I=  H.dl

Using V and I in solving the transmission line problem is simpler

than solving E and H (requires Maxwell’s equations).
Examine an incremental portion of length Δz of a two-conductor
transmission line.

Transmission Line Representation

Transmission Line Equations
I ( z , t )
Using KVL:- V ( z, t )  RzI ( z , t )  Lz  V ( z  z , t )
V ( z  z, t )  V ( z , t ) I ( z , t )
or   RI ( z, t )  L
z t
Taking the limit as z  0 leads to:
V ( z, t ) I ( z , t )
  RI ( z, t )  L
z t

equivalent circuit model

of a two-conductor T.L.
of differential length z.

Using KCL:- I ( z, t )  I ( z  z, t )  I
V ( z  z , t )
I ( z, t )=I ( z  z, t )  G zV ( z  z, t )  C z
I ( z  z , t )  I ( z , t ) V ( z  z , t )
or   GV ( z  z, t )  C
z t
Taking the limit as z  0 leads to:
I ( z , t ) V ( z, t )
  GV ( z , t )  C
z t

Transmission Line Equations
The time domain form of the transmission line equations:
V ( z, t ) I ( z , t )
  RI ( z , t )  L
z t
I ( z , t ) V ( z , t )
  GV ( z, t )  C
z t
If we assume harmonic time dependence so that:
V(z , t )=Re[Vs (z)e j t ]
I(z , t )=Re[I s (z)e j t ]
where Vs and I s are the phasor forms of V ( z, t ) and I ( z , t ),
  ( R  j L) I s
dI s
  (G  jC )Vs
dz 13
Transmission Line Equations
dVs dI s
  ( R  j L) I s ,   (G  jC )Vs
dz dz
To solve the previous equations, take second derivative of Vs gives
d 2Vs
 ( R  j L)(G  jC )Vs
Now take second derivative of I s gives
d 2Is
 (G  jC )( R  j L) I s
Hence, the wave equations for voltage and current become
d 2Vs
  2
Vs  0
, where     j   ( R  j L)(G  jC )
d Is
  2
Is  0
dz 14
    j   ( R  j L)(G  jC )
 : is the propagation constant
 : attenuation constant (Np/m or dB/m)
 : phase constant ( rad/m)
2 
wavelength is:  = , wave velocity is: u   f 
 
The solutions to the wave equations are:
Vs  V0 e  z  V0 e z , I s  I 0 e  z  I 0 e z
+z -z +z -z

where V0 ,V0 , I 0 , I 0 are wave amplitudes.

 sign  wave traveling along +z direction.
- sign  wave traveling along -z direction. 15
Transmission Line Equations
Vs  V0 e  z  V0 e z
I s  I 0 e  z  I 0 e z

In time domain:
V ( z, t )  Re[Vs ( z )e j t ]
V ( z, t )  V0 e  z cos(t   z )  V0e  z cos(t   z )

Similarly for current:

I ( z, t )  I 0 e  z cos(t   z )  I 0e z cos(t   z )

Characteristic Impedance, Z0
The Characteristic Impedance Z0 of the line is the ratio of the
positively travelling voltage wave to the current wave at any point on
the line.

V ( z )  V0 e  z , I ( z )  I 0 e  z
dV ( z )
since   ( R  j L) I ( z ),
 (  V0 e  z )  ( R  j L) I 0 e  z
V0 R  j L R  j L V0
Zo      Ro  jX o   
I0  G  jC I0

R  j L Characterestic 1
Zo   Ro  jX o , Y0 
G  jC Admittance Z0
Lossless Line (R=G=0)
A transmission line is said to be lossless if the conductors of the line
are perfect (σc ≈ ∞) and the dielectric medium separating them is
lossless (σ ≈ 0)

For lossless line, R=G=0

Since     j  = ( R  j L)(G  jC )

  0,   j  ,    LC

 1 2
u   f , 
 LC 
Xo  0 Z o  Ro 
C 18
Distortionless Line
Any signal that carries significant information must has some
non-zero bandwidth. In other words, the signal energy (as well as
the information it carries) is spread across many frequencies.

If the different frequencies that comprise a signal travel at

different velocities, that signal will arrive at the end of a
transmission line distorted. We call this phenomenon signal
Recall for lossless lines, however, the phase velocity is
independent of frequency—no dispersion will occur! u  1/ LC

Of course, a perfectly lossless line is impossible, but we find

phase velocity is approximately constant if the line is low-loss.
Distortionless Line (R/L=G/C)
A distortionless line is one in which the attenuation constant α is
frequency independent while the phase constant β is linearly
dependent on frequency.
A distorionless line results if the line parameters are such that

 j L  jC 
Thus,  = ( R  j L)(G  jC ) = RG 1  1  
 R  G 
 jC  α does not depend on
 = RG 1      j
 G  frequency, whereas β is a linear
or   RG ,    LC function of frequency.

u   /   1/ LC (frequency independent) 20
Distortionless Line (R/L=G/C)
R  j L R 1  j L / R  R L
Z0     (Real)
G  jC G 1  jC / G  G C
 1
u= 
 LC
Shape distortion of signals happen if α and u are frequency
u and Z0 for distortionless line are the same as lossless line.
A lossless line is also a distortionless line, but a distortionless line
is not necessarily lossless.
Lossless lines are desirable in power transmission, and telephone
lines are required to be distortionless. 21
Distortionless Line – Practical use
To achieve the required condition of R/L=G/C for a transmission line,
L may be increased by loading the cable with a metal with high
magnetic permeability (μ).

A common practice is to replace repeaters in long lines to maintain the

desired shape and duration of pulses for long distance transmission. 22

 Zo

General R  jL
  ( R  jL)(G  jC ) Zo 
G  jC

Lossless   0  j LC Z o  Ro 

Distortionless   RG  j LC Zo  Ro 
Example 11.1
An air line has characteristic impedance of 70 Ω and a phase
constant of 3 rad/m at 100 MHz. Calculate the inductance per meter
and the capacitance per meter of the line.
An air line can be regarded as lossless line because  0
and  c  . Hence RG0 and  =0
Z 0 =R0 =
   LC
R0 1
Deviding the two equations yields: 
 C
 3
or C    68.2 pF
 R0 2  100  10 (70)

L=R02C  (70) 2 (68.2  1012 )  334.2 nH/m 24

Example 11.2
A distortionless line has Z0=60 Ω, α=20 mNp/m, u=0.6c, where c is
the speed of light. Find R,L,G , C and λ at 100 MHz.
RC  1
A distortionless line has RC  GL or G  , u 
L  LC
Z0  ,  = RG  R 
C L Z0
 R   Z 0  (20  103 )(60)  1.2  /m
400 106
Since  = RG  G    333 S/m
R 1.2
L  1
Dividing Z 0  by u   gives
C  LC
Z0 60
L=   333 nH/m
u 0.6(3 10 )
8 25
Example 11.2 – solution continued

L  1
Multiplying Z 0  by u   gives
C  LC
1 1 1
uZ 0 =  C    92.59 pF/m
C uZ 0 0.6(3  10 )60

u 0.6(3  108 )
=  8
 1.8 m
f 10

11.4 Input impedance, standing wave ratio, power
Consider a transmission line of length l, characterised by  and Z0,
connected to a load ZL. Generator sees the line with the load as an
input impedance Zin.

Input impedance
Vs ( z )  V0 e  z  V0 e z
V0  z V0  z  V0 V0 
I s ( z)  e e ,  Z0 =     
Z0 Z0  I0 I0 
At generator terminals (sending end):
Let V0  V ( z  0), I 0  I ( z  0), Substitute in prev. equs.:
V0  V0  V0 V  V0  Z 0 I 0 

 V0
V0  ... (1)
I0  1
Z0 Z0 V0  V0  Z 0 I 0 

If the input impedance at the terminals is Zin ,
Z in Vg
then V0  Vg , I0 
Z in  Z g Z in  Z g 28
Input impedance
V0  z V0  z
Vs ( z )  V0 e  z  V0 e z , I s ( z)  e  e
Z0 Z0
At the load:
Let VL  V ( z  l ), I L  I ( z  l ), Substitute in prev. equs.

VL  V0 e  l  V0 e l 1
V  VL  Z 0 I L  e l

 V0  l V0  l  ... (2)
IL  e e 1
Z0 Z0 V0  VL  Z 0 I L  e  l

Now determine the input impedance Zin =Vs ( z ) / I s ( z ) at any

point on the line.
Input impedance
 
At the generator, recall V0  V0  V0 , I 0  0  0 , then
Z0 Z0

Zin =
Vs ( z ) V0
 

Z 0 V0  V0 
I s ( z) I0 V0  V0
Substituting eq. 2 and utilizing
the fact that:
e l  e   l e l  e   l
 cosh  l ,  sinh  l ,
2 2
sinh  l e l  e  l
or tanh l    l  l
cosh  l e  e
 Z L  Z 0 tanh  l 
we get Z in  Z 0   (General - Lossy Line)
 Z 0  Z L tanh  l 
Input impedance (Lossless Line)
 Z L  Z 0 tanh  l 
Z in  Z 0   (General - Lossy Line)
 Z 0  Z L tanh  l 
For a lossless line,  =j  , tanh j  l  j tan  l , then

 Z L  jZ 0 tan  l 
Z in  Z 0   (Lossless Line)
 Z 0  jZ L tan  l 

βl is known as electrical length, in degrees or radians

Note: To find Z in at a distance

l ' from load, replace l by l ' :-
 Z L  jZ 0 tan  l ' 
Z in  Z 0  
 0
Z  jZ L tan  l ' 
Reflection Coefficient, (at load)
Define  L as the voltage reflection coefficient (at the load), as the
ratio of the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at the load,
V0 e l
 L    l
V0 e
V  VL  Z 0 I L  e l

Since , and VL  Z L I L
V0  VL  Z 0 I L  e  l

Z L  Z0
 L  (Voltage Reflection coefficient at load)
Z L  Z0

Reflection Coefficient, (at generator)
Define  0 (at z  0) as the voltage reflection coefficient at the source,
as the ratio of the voltage reflection wave to the incident wave at source,
V0 e 0 V0
 0    0  
V0 e V0
V  V0  Z 0 I 0 

Since , and V0  Z in I 0
V0  V0  Z 0 I 0 

Z in  Z 0
 0  (Voltage Reflection coefficient at source)
Z in  Z 0

Reflection Coefficient

The voltage reflection coefficient at any point on the line is the ratio
of the reflected voltage wave to that of the incident wave.

V0 e z V0 2 z
That is: ( z )    z   e
V0 e V0

The current reflection coefficient at any point on the line is the

negative of the voltage reflection coefficient at that point.

Thus the current reflection coefficient at the load is

 l   l
I e /I e
0 0   L
Standing Wave Ratio
Whenever there is a reflected wave, a standing wave will form
out of the combination of incident and reflected waves.
The standing wave ratio s is defined as: (as we did for plane waves)
Vmax I max 1   L Z L  Z0
s=   L 
Vmin I min 1   L Z L  Z0
When load is perfectly matched ( Z L  Z 0 )  Total Transmission
L  0  s  1
When load is a short circuit :
 Total Reflection
 L  1   L  1  s  
When load is an open circuit :
 Total Reflection
 L  1   L  1  s   35
The time-average power flow along the line at the point z is:
Pave  Re[Vs ( z ) I s* ( z )]. For a lossless line, this can be reduced to:
 2  2
Pave  V / 2Z 0   V
 2 / 2Z 0
1    ,
V 0 0
Pave 
0 2

2Z 0 Incident Reflected
Power (Pi) Power (Pr)

 The average power flow is constant at any point on the lossless line.
 The total power delivered to the load (Pav ) is equal to the incident
 2  2
 / 2Z0 )
power ( V 0 / 2Z 0 ) minus the reflected power ( V0

 If   0, maximum power is delivered to the load, while no power

is delivered for   1.
 The above discussion assumes that the generator is matched. 36
Special Cases , ZL=0, ZL=∞, ZL=Z0

Short Circuited Line


Open Circuited Line


Matched Line

Shorted Line (ZL=0)

Z L  jZ 0 tan  l
Z in  Z 0  jZ 0 tan  l
Z 0  jZ L tan  l
Z L  Z0
L   1, s   (Total Reflection)
Z L  Z0

Open-Circuited Line (ZL=∞)

Z L  jZ 0 tan  l
Z in  Z 0 , (Z L   )
Z 0  jZ L tan  l
 Z0 
 1  j Z tan  l 
Z in  Z 0  L  
  jZ 0 cot  l
 Z0  j tan  l
 Z  j tan  l 
 L 
Z L  Z0
L   1, s   (Total Reflection)
Z L  Z0
Matched Line (ZL=Z0)

Most desired case from practical point of view.

Since Z in  Z 0  Z in  Z 0
Z L  Z0
L   0, s  1
Z L  Z0
The whole wave is transmitted, and there is no reflection.
The incident power is fully absorbed by the load.
 (Maximum power transfer)

Example 11.3
A certain transmission line 2 m long operating at ω=106 rad/s has
α=8 dB/m, β=1 rad/m, and Z0= 60+j40 Ω. If the line is connected
to a source of 10∟00 V, Zg=40 Ω and transmitted by a load of
20+j50 Ω, determine
(a) The input impedance
(b) The sending end current
(c) The current at the middle of the line.
(a ) Since 1 Np=8.686 dB
=  0.921 Np / m
 = +j  0.921  j1
 l =2(0.921  j1)  1.84  j 2
Example 11.3 – Solution continued
tanh  l  tanh 1.84  j 2   1.033  j 0.03929
 Z L  Z 0 tanh  l 
Z in  Z 0  
 0
Z  Z L tanh  l 
 20  j50  (60  j 40)(1.033  j 0.03929) 
Z in  (60  j 40)  
 60  j 40  (20  j 50)(1.033  j 0.03929) 
Z in  60.25  j 38.79 

(b) The sending end current is I ( z  0)  I 0

Vg 10
I0    93.03  21.15 mA
Z in  Z g 60.25  j 38.79  40
Example 11.3 – Solution continued
(c ) To find the current at any point, we need V0 and V0 . But
I 0  93.03  21.15 mA
V0  Z in I 0  (71.6632.770 )(0.09303  21.150 )  6.66711.620

1 1
V  V0  Z 0 I 0   6.66711.62  (60  j 40)(0.09303  21.15)

2 2
 6.68712.080
1 1
V  V0  Z 0 I 0   6.66711.62  (60  j 40)(0.09303  21.15)

2 2
 0.05182600

Example 11.3 – Solution continued
At the middle of the line, z  l / 2,  z= l / 2  0.921+j1, Hence the
current at this point is:
V0  l /2 V0  l /2
I s ( z  l / 2)  e  e
Z0 Z0
0.921 j1
(6.687e j12.080
)e (0.0518e )e0.921 j1
j 2600
= 
60  j 40 60  j 40
Note that j1 is in radians and is equivalent to j57.30 ,(j1  180/ ):-
j12.080 0.921  j 57.30 j 2600 0.921 j 57.30
(6.687e )e e (0.0518e )e e
I s ( z  l / 2)= j 33.690
 j 33.690
72.1e 72.1e
 j 78.910
 0.0369e  0.001805e j 283.610

 6.673  j34.456 mA
=35.102810 mA 44

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