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a BY JONAH STEELE TMC Heer tT | Neg ‘A HACK OF KNAVE by the luminous Ben Milton TEST GOBLINS Parker Asplin, Jacob Bergman, Isaiah Crowl, Lukas Nash, Levi Steele, Carter Walker ‘MUSIC M83’s 2019 album DSVII, Black Sabbath’s 1970 album Paranoid ALIGNMENT adapied from ‘The Grey Shaded Hex’ in Knock! #2 VIOLENCE inspired by A Knight at the Opera's Brave and Johan Nohr's Mérk Borg WILDERNESS from Sandor Gebei's sireamlined rules and Gavin Norman's 'Wormskin Magazine’ vols. 5 & 8 SPELLS & MONSTERS via Gavin Norman’s magnificent Old School Essentials, e.g. 1980s B/X D&D STARTING TOOLS from Moldvay's “Ye Old Fast Packs” in 1984 B/X Module B4 'The Lost City’ HAZARD DIE from Nexropraxis PUBLIC DOMAIN ART found on Highland Paranormal Society's Visions of o Forsaken Domain! The rules presented in this document are a starting point for running a tabletop adventure game. They are designed smashed together to be adjusted, remixed, used, and ignored based on whatever the story being told at the fable or on the screen requires. Goon is probably a good framework for a classless, low-magic, fantasy, tongue-in-cheek setting. goon BY JONAH STEELE character generation 1. ROLL STATS: Your Player Character (PC) has six abilities. Each have a score and a bonus. When you create @ PC, roll 3d6 for each ability in the order indicated below. The lowest result is that ability’s bonus. To find its score, add 10 to its bonus. Affer you've finished rolling, you may swap one pair of abilly scores and their corresponding bonuses. Strength (STR): Used for melee attacks and checks requiring physical power, like lifing gates, bending bars, etc. Dexterity (DEX): Used for ranged attacks and checks requiring poise, speed, and reflexes, like dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc. Constitution (CON): Used for checks to resist poison, sickness, cold, etc. The Constitution bonus is added fo healing rolls and Hit Points. Your base number of item slots is equal to your CON score. Intelligence (INT): Used for checks requiring concentration and precision, such as wielding magic, resisting magical effects, recalling lore, crafting objects, tinkering with machinery, picking pockels, etc Wisdom (WIS): Used for checks requiring perception and intuition, such as tracking, navigating, searching for secret doors, detecting illusions, ete. Charisma (CHA): Used for checks fo persuade, deceive, interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, etc. In your lifetime, you can only hire a total number of henchmen equal fo your CHA bonus. 2. ROLL ANCESTRY: Roll 1d6 and note your abilities. 1 Dwarf: Advantage when checking for and disarming traps 2 Elf: Don’t need fo sleep, Advantage when checking for secret doors 3 Halfling: Advantage when unlocking doors and chests, boxes, etc. 4-6 Human: Roll 1d6+4 for your initial HP and for HP gained every fime you level up 3. ROLL TOOLS & ARMOR: Your base Armor Class (AC) is 11. Worn armor provides a new base AC. Shields and helmets each provide a +1 AC bonus. You start with two weapons and one piece of armor of your choice (see WEAPONRY & TRANSPORT). You start with 1 spell of your choice (see THE ARCANE). Roll 1d6 for your starting tools, dropping items if you don’t have enough slots (see CORE MECHANICS). 1-2 Pack A: Backpack, Large Sack, Lantern, 2 Oil Flasks, Tinderbox, 12 Iron Spikes, Small Hammer, Waterskin, 6 Rations, 5 GP. 3-4 — Pack B: Backpack, 2 Large Sacks, 6 Torches, 2 Oil Flasks, Tinderbox, 10" Pole, 50’ Rope, Waterskin, 6 Rations, Mirror 5-6 Pack C: Backpack, 4 Small Sacks, Holy Symbol OR Thief’s Tools OR Vial of Holy Water, 12 Iron Spikes, 50’ Rope, Waterskin, 6 Rations 4. ROLL STARTING HIT POINTS: Unless you are a human, roll 1d4 + 4 to determine your starting Hit Points (HP). A Hit Die (HD) is usvally « d8. 5. ROLL BACKGROUND: Use the tables on the next page as prompls for giving your PC some narrative hooks background prompts d20 PHYSIQUE __ FACE SKIN HAIR CLOTHING _ MISFORTUNE T Athletic Bloated Battle Scar Bald ‘Anfique Abandoned 2 Browny Blunt Birthmark Braided Bloody Addicted 3 Corpulent_ Bony Burn Scar _Bristly Ceremonial _Blackmailed 4 Delicate Chiseled Dark Cropped Decorated Condemned 5 Gaunt Delicate Makeup Curly Eccentric Cursed 6 — Hulking Elongated Oily Disheveled Elegant Defrauded 7 Lanky Patricion Palle Dreadlocks Fashionable Demoted 8 Ripped Pinched Perfect Filthy Filthy Discredited 9 Rugged Hawkish Pierced Frizzy Flamboyant Disowned 10 Scrawny Broken Pockmarked Greased Stained Exiled 11 Short Impish Reeking Limp Foreign Framed 12 Sinewy Narrow Tatlooed Long Froyed Haunted 13 Slender ——Ralike Rosy Luxurious. Frumpy —_Kidnapped 14 Flabby Round Rough Mohawk Livery Mutilated 15 Statuesque Sunken Sallow Oily Oversized Poor 16 Stout Sharp Sunburned Ponytail Patched -——Pursued 17 Tiny Soft Tanned Silky Perfumed Rejected 18 Towering Square War Paint Topknot_ Rancid Replaced 19 Willowy Wide Weathered Wavy Torn Robbed 20 Wiry Wolfish Whip Scar Wispy Undersized Suspected 1d6 DEMEANOR BEHAVIOR _ MOTIVATION 1-4 Empaily Protect ‘Others 5-6 Apathy Manipulate Self EPO “THE SAINT” You spend you life in pursuit of making the world better for everyone else, no matter the slakes or the personal reward. EPS “THE MERCENARY” You're « fairly good-hearted person who will fight to protect the weak, as long os you get something in return. EMO “THE GUIDE" You genuinely care for others, but you're okay with deceiving and manipulating them, as long as it’s for their own wellbeing ‘APO “THE ANTIHERO” You're a gritty, down-to-earrh type who may oppear gruff aind cold, even rude on the outside, but who deep down, you care for your friends. ‘AMO “THE POLITICIAN’ You care for your people but have little regard for oulsiders, and you're willing to do anything to make your “tribe” great, APS “THE WARDEN’ You're a cold protector of the status quo who cares mostly for the pay, but you won't tolerate exploitation amongst those under your charge. EMS “THE CHEAT" You're on expert manipulator who can find and exploit people's strengths and weaknesses to use and abuse them. AMS “THE SHADOW" You're on antisocial, cruel, and greedy person who only cares for your own personal gain and will betray, deceive, and steal. NOTE: These are merely suggestions and starting points for you character. Every session should change or grow your character in some way. At the end of a campaign, a character that started out as “The Cheat” may have grown intoa benevolent force for good—or vice versa. cove mechanics ABILITY CHECKS: If you attemptsomething where the outcome is uncertain ond failure has consequences, make an ability check. To make a check, roll d20 and add the bonus of the relevant ability. If the total is greater than the target dficulty class (DC), you succeed. The DM sets the DC anywhere from 11-20, based on the relative challenge of the task. DC MATRIX 12 13141516 171881920 % Success 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% % Success with Adv 75 70 64 S58 Si 44 36 28 19 10 % Success withDis 25 20 16 12 9 #6 4 2 1 <1 OPPOSED CHECKS: If an ability check is opposed by another PC or NPC, the side initiating the ability check must roll a higher than their opponent's relevant abiliy score to succeed. ADVANTAGE & DISADVANTAGE: If there are situational factors that make a check significantly easier or harder, the DM may grant advantage (Ady) or disadvantage (Dis). Ifa roll has Adv, roll 2420 and use the higher of the two dice. IFit has Dis, roll 2420 and use the lower of the two dice. Any combination of both Adv and Dis results in @ normal roll ITEM SLOTS: Carrying more items than you have slots for gives you Dis on your ability checks. Most items, including runestones, potions, a day's rations, light weapons (146), fools and so on take up 1 slot, but parficularly heavy or bulky items like armor or medium (148) and heavy (1410+) weapons may take up more slots. Groups of small, identical items may be bundled into the same slot, at the DM's discretion. 200 loose coins can fit in a slot. A sack allows a slot fo hold more coins. As a general guideline, a slot holds ~5 Ibs. CONSUMABLES: 20 projectiles take up one slot. 6 torches/candles/oil flasks take up one slot. 6 rations take up one slot. The DM should make sure any other consumables can be tracked with a die. REST & RATIONS: You must consume at least 1 ration per day to survive. You can live 3 days without rations. Outside of combat, once per day, a ration heals 1 HD per level (LVL}. Affer a full night’s rest (in addition to eating a ration), you regain all lost HP. LEVELING: You receive 1 experience (XP) per Gold piece (GP] you secure. The DM may award XP for other accomplishments. When you acquire 1000 XP you gain a LVL: Unless you are a human, roll 1d4-+4 and add it fo your HP total. Raise the score and corresponding bonus of 3 different abilities of your choice by 1 point. Abilities cannot be permanently raised higher than 20 score/+10 bonus. TRAPS: Normally a DC 15 WIS check to find and disable. SECRET DOORS: Normally a DC 15 WIS check to find. LOCKED DOORS: Normally « DC 15 DEX check fo unlock. FATE POINTS (FP): At the start of a session, each PC adds 1 FP to a shared PC pool. The DM star's with 1 FP in the DM pool. FP may be spent fo gain advantage on any check. Spent FP are moved to the opposite pool. violence 1. ROLL INITIATIVE: AY the start of every round, unless the PCs are surprised {in which case they automatically go after their opponents), each PC makes a DEX check. Those that succeed take their turn before the NPC opponents, in the first initiative group. Reroll initiative every round. 2. MOVE: On your tum, either move ~30' and attempt one action, or move ~60". 4, PERFORM A STUNT (ACTION): Stunts are combat maneuvers such as stunning, shoving, disarming, tripping, sundering armor, etc, resolved with an opposed check. They may not cause damage direclly but may do so indirectly. 5. ATTEMPT A WEAPON ATTACK/CAST A SPELL (ACTION): To make a melee attack, roll 1420 and add your STR bonus for a melee attack or DEX bonus for a ranged attack. If the result is greater than the defender’s AC, the attack hits. On hit, roll your weapon's damage die + your LVL to determine how many HP your opponent loses. Ranged weapons cannot be used if you are immediately next to an opponent. Ranged attacks are rolled with disadvantage against partially covered targets. Roll 1d12 to find where your attack hits: d12 GENERAL AREA CRITICAL EFFECT TARGETED ODDS 1 Head/Brain/Eyes Stunned 2 rounds 2/12 2 — Right upper limb Drop itemor disable next attack 2/12 3 Left upper limb ~ 2/2 4-5 Right lower limb New initiative goes in 2% group. 4/12 6-7 Left lower limb. ~ AN2 8-12 Torso/main body None 8/12 TARGETTED HITS: A d12 may be rolled to target a hit that has already been rolled and is successful. CRITICAL HITS & ITEM QUALITY: IF the attacker rolls @ natural 20, the defender's armor loses 1 point of quality, they take an additional die of damage, and they are subjected to a critical effect. If the attacker rolls natural 1, their weapon loses 1 point of quality. Ai 0 quality, the item is destroyed. Each point of quality costs 10% of the item's cost fo repair. Weapon and armor quality is equal to 1/2 damage die or 1/3 AC value rounded to the nearest whole number. MELEE STYLE BONUSES: A one-handed (1H) melee weapon can be wielded with two hands (2H). A 2H weapon can be wielded with 1H, but attack rolls have disadvantage. 1H without Shield or Helmet: ‘Advantage on initiative checks 2H or 1H as 2H: Roll damage dice with advantage Dual-wielding 1H weapons: ‘Make a 2nd attack roll with disadvantage DEATH: At 0 HP from regular/mundane damage (at the DM's discretion], you are unconscious until you con rest overnight in a safe place, after which you recover HP normally. If at any point you take more damage than 0 minus your CON bonus, you are dead. Weaponry € transport WEAPON GP SLOTS DAMAGE STYLE __ QUALITY Dagger, Club, Sickle, Staff 5 1 dé 1H 3 Spear, Sword, Mace, Hand axe, Flail 10 2 d8 1H 4 Halberd, Warhammer, Longsword, Batlle 20 3 d10 2H 5 axe Sling 5 1 d4 1H 2 Bow 15 2 dé 2H 3 Crossbow 60 3 d8 2H 4 Quiver + 20 Arrows/bolts 10+5 1 ‘ARMOR cr sLoTs AC QUALITY Shield 10 1 +1 1 Helmet 10 1 +1 1 Leather 20 1 12 3 Leather studded 30 2 13 4 Chainmail 40 3 4 5 Half plate 50 4 15 6 Full plate 60 5 16 7 TRANSPORT GP___SPEED (6 MILEHEXES) __ CAPACITY (SLOTS) Camel 100 5 15 Draft horse 40 3 22 Riding horse 75 8 15 War horse 250 4 20 Mule 30 4 10 Cart (1D. horse or 2 mules) 100 12 2 Wagen (2 D. horses or 4 mules) 200 12 75 WEAPON MATERIALS: Metal weapons can be regular, mithri, or silvered. Metal weapons made of mithril are rare, and they have an upgraded damage die (e.g. dé > d8). They cost 3x as much as their regular versions, Silvered weapons hit with double damage dice against undead, but cannot damage living creatures. They cost 2x as much. ‘ARMOR MATERIALS: Metal armor can be regular or made of mithril. Metal armor made of mithril is extremely rare and takes up 1/2 of its regular version’s inventory slots, rounded fo the nearest whole number. Itcosts 10x as much as its regular version. tools ITEM GP___ DESCRIPTION Backpack 5 Has two straps and can be worn on the back, Keeping the hands free. Holds up to 400 coins. Crowbor 10 2.3" long and made of solid iron. Can be used for forcing doors and other objects open. Flask of oil 2 Has 3 or 4 prongs. Can be used for anchoring @ rope. Garlic 5 Grappling Hook 25 Hammer (smal) 2 Can be used for construction or as « mallet with iron or wooden spikes. Holy symbol 25 Adivine spell caster is required to own a holy symbol of their deity, offen worn as a necklace. Each religion has its own holy symbol. Holy water 25 Water that has been blessed by a holy person. It is used in some religious rituals and inflics damage on undead monsters. Holy water does not retain its power if stored in any other container than the special vials itis blessed in. Iron Spikes (12) 1 May be used for wedging doors open or shut, as an anchor to attach a rope to, and many other purposes. Lantern 10 Cane closed to hide the light. Mirror (hand-sized, steel) 5 Useful for looking around corners or for reflecting a gaze attack. Oil (1 flask) 2 flask of oil fuels a lantern. In addition to fueling lanterns, il can be used as a weapon. Oil that is poured on the ground and lit covers @ diameter of 3 feet and burns for 1 tur, inflicting damage on any character or monster moving through the pool Pole, wooden (10! long) 1 ‘A.2" thick wooden pole useful for poking and prodding suspicious items in a dungeon. Rations 2 Dried and preserved food to be carried on long voyages when securing fresh food may be uncertain. Rope (50’ length) 1 Can hold the weight of approximately three human-sized beings. Sack, small 1 Can hold up to 300 coins. Sack, large 2 Can hold up to 600 coins. 2 Slots. Stokes (3) and mallet 3 Awooden mallet and three 18" long stakes. Valuable when confronting vampires. Thieves! tools 25 This kit contains all of the tools needed to pick locks. Tinder box (flint & steel) 3 Used fo light fires, including torches. Using a tinder box takes one round, There is a 2-in-6 chance of success per round. Torches (6) 1 Woater/Wine skin 1 This container, made of hide, will hold 2 pinis of fluid. Wine, Beer (2 pints) 1 Wolfsbane (1 bunch) 10 This herb can be used to repel lycanthropes. The creature must be hit with the herb in melee combat. Wilderness WILDERNESS ACTIONS: Each adventuring day is divided into three phoses of 8 hours each. After each phase, the DM rolls on the random event table. Poor visibility the chance of getting lod by 1/6. Each phase, the travelling party picks an action: 1. TRAVEL: Passing through one 6 mile hex. On roads marked on the map, the party may travel through 2 hexes (or more, if mounted). Off-road, one hex is traversed. There is also a 2/6 chance of getting los! when travelling offroad. This is increased to 3/6 in difficult terrain. An experienced woodsman decreases the chance of getting lost by 1/6. e.9., if the party travels off-road through mountains in a blizzard with a woodsman, they have a 3/6 chance of getting lost) 2. EXPLORE: Looking for interesting features within a hex. There is @ 4/6 chance of discovering the main location in the hex description. Difficult terrain reduces this to 3/6. Awoodsman increases the chance by 1/6. 3, RETRACE STEPS: Looking for something which was previously encountered in a hex. The basic chance is 5/6 or 4/6 in difficult terrain, An experienced woodsman, tracker, or navigator increases the chance by 1/6. 4. INTERACT: Stoying at one location for some time (e.g. exploring a dungeon, town, monster's lait) 5. CAMP: Roll 2d6. Ifthe result is 6 or above, the party finds a decent campsite. +2 to roll if« party member is an experienced woodsman. -1 if there is precipitation. -2 if there is fog, darkness, or difficult terrain. If no decent site is found, -1 fo all ability checks the next day. 6, FORAGE: Hunting, fishing, or foraging for food. There is « 2/6 chance of success. An experienced hunter, angler, or woodsman increases the chance by 1/6. If successful, 3d6 rations are found. dé RANDOM EVENT 7 Encounier: Roll on the appropriate encounter table 2 Mishap: Roll on the mishaps table 3 Weather: Weather changes. Roll again, ignoring any more “Weather” results 4 Percept: Clue regarding next encounter 5 é Location: The party finds a location in the area Uneveniful: Nothing happens. Roll again if the last roll was “Uneventful"” d8__SUMMER AUTUMN, WINTER SPRING 1 Hot, clear Balmy, clement Clear, cold Clement, cheery 2 Sweltering Frosty, chill Frigid, icy Brisk, clear 3 Overcas!, muggy Rolling, fog Light snow Windy, cloudy 4 Stormy, thunder Bracing wind Snow storm Worm, fresh 5 Gentle rain Cloudy, misty Frigid mist Pouring rain & Baking, dry Driving rain Freezing rain Chilly, damp 7 Lowcloud, mist Brooding clouds _Bitfer, silent Gloomy 8 — Warm wind Drizzle, damp Relentless wind Chill mist d6__MISHAP 1 Minor injury: 1d8 damage to a PC, 148 Fa horse is present. 2 Broken Gear: 1 weapon/piece of armor broken, unusable until repaired 3 Delay: Lose a wilderness turn. 4 Rot: 1d4 Rations spoiled or stolen by animals Dungeon HAZARD DIE: When entering a new room, or after a set amount of time, the DM rolls 1d6: Encounter: Random encounter (DM consults appropriate table) Fatigue: Rest and consume rations or suffer minor harm (-1 HP) Expiration: Torch, candle, or lantern burns out. Locality: Shift in dungeon state (or other local change like weather) Percept: Clue regarding next encounter Boon: No hazard roll for nex! area OUkoNns MONSTERS: All monsters from OSR bestiaries should work as-is with no major conversion needed. Here are some guidelines: HIT DICE & HIT POINTS: All monster hit dice can be assumed to be d8s unless otherwise specified. To get the monster's hit points, just multiply the number of hit dice they have by 4 (or 5 if they're special in some way.) ‘ARMOR CLASS: Monster AC {if ascending) is identical to Armor score. If the AC is descending, subtract it from 19 (if itis from ODED or B/X and BECMI D&D) or from 20 [if is from AD&D) to find its ascending equivalent. ATTACK BONUS (AT): Any attack bonus given is unchanged and can be added to both melee and ranged attacks. If an attack bonus is not given, assume that it is the same as the monster's number of hit dice. DAMAGE: Remains the same. MORALE (ML): Monsters and NPCs all have a morale rating, usually between 5 and 9. When they face more danger than they were expecting, the referee will make a morale roll by rolling 246 and comparing the result to the NPC's morale rating. Ifthe roll is higher than the rating, the NPC wil attempt to flee, retreat, or parley. Morale rolls can be triggered by defeating half of an enemy group, defeating a group's leader, or reducing @ lone enemy to half HP. Other effects may trigger a morale roll at the DM's discretion. Hirelings also make morale rolls when they aren't paid, their employer dies, or they face extraordinary danger. Morale may be improved by paying hirelings more and treating them well. ABILITY CHECKS (AB): Since OSR monsters usually don’t come with ability scores, assume that monsters have abilily bonuses equal to the number of their HD HD_HP AC ATT__DMG MLAB Goblin 1d8 4 13 1 146 7 +111 Bear 5d8 20 13° «5 1d 4/1d4/1d6 8 +5/15 Zombie 248 8 11 2 1d6 12 +2/12 Basilisk 6d8 24 15 6 — 1d10/1d10 9 +6/16 Dwarf 1d8 4 915 1 1d6 8 +1/11 Troll 908 36 15 9 1d6/1d6/1d10 10 -+9/19 Rat 1d4 1 10 0 1d6 5 +0/10 Ore 1d8 4 131 1d6 8 +1/11 Dragon 10d8 40 20 10 — 1d8/1d8/4d8 10 +10/20 the arcane MAGIC: Spells are cast by cracking a runestone, which weighs ~' Ib. but takes up one whole item slot. Runestones magically re-seal after 24 hours. You may only cast spells from a spell fier lower than or equal to your LVL. Lower fier runestones used by higher LVL casters carry multiple charges before they fully break for the dlay. Each LVL above the spell’s fier adds ‘2 charge to the runestone (e.g., @ LVL 3 PC could cast a T1 spell twice per day before the runestone fully breaks). TERT (Duration, Range, Effect) Cure light wounds Detect evil Detect magic Light Protection from evil Purify food and water Remove fear Resist cold Charm person Detect magic Floating disc Hold portal Light Magic missile Protection from evil Read languages (D Instant, R Touch, 1d6+Thp / cure paralysis) (D 6 turns, R 120’, Evil objecis / evil intentions glow) (D 2 turns, R 60", Magic glows) (D 12 turns, R 120’, 15’ radius light / blind / dispel dark) (D 12 turns, R Caster, +1 save/AC) (D Perm.,R 10", 6 gis / 1 ration / food for 12) (D 2 turns, RTouch, Magical: save vs spells +1 / level) (D 6 turns, R 30’, Allin range: save +2,~1 damage per die) (D 1+ days, R 120, See caster as friend, SV Negates) (D 2 turns, R60", Magic glows) (D 6 turns, R 6", Disc 3” wide, holds up to 5,000cn) (D 2d6 turns, R10’, Holds door/gate/portal shut) (D 6 turns +1/level, R 120", 15" radius light / blind / dispel dark) (D 1 turn, R 150’, 1d6+1 damage, 6th level+: extra) (D 6 turns, R Caster, +1 save/AC) (D 2 turns, R Caster, Languages/codes/maps) Read magic (D1 turn, R Caster, Decipher scrolls, spell books, etc.) Shield (D 2 turns, R Caster, AC 2 (17] vs missiles, 4 [15] vs other) Sleep (D 4d4 turns, R240’, Single 4+ 1HD or 248 HD of lesser) Ventriloquism (D 2 tums, R60’, Voice from any source in range) Resist cold (D 6 turns, R30’, Allin range: save +2,~1 damage per die) TIER 2 Bless (DS tums, R60, Allies in 20” sq: +1 alfack, damage, morale) Find trops (D 2 turns, R 30’, Trapped objects / areas glow blue) Hold person (D9 turns, R 180’, Single (SV-2) or 1d4, SV Neg.) Know alignment (D1 round, R 10", 1 creature / object / location) Resist fire (D 2 turns, R30’, 1 target: save +2, 1 damage per die) Silence 15’ radius Snake charm Continual light Detect evil Detect invisible ESP. Invisibility Knock Levitate Locate object Mirror image Phantasmal force Web Wizard lock (D 12 turns, R 180’, Cast on creature: SV Neg.) (D 1d4+1 rounds/turns, R 60’, HD: level, Hostile: rds) (D Perm., R 120', 30’ rad. light / blind / dispel dark) (D2 turns, R 60", Evil objects / evil intentions glow) (D 6 turns, R 10’/level, Revealed to caster) (D 12 turns, R 60’, Understand thoughts, Focus direction 1 turn) (D Perm. until broken, R 240’, Attack/cast spell ends) (D1 round, R 60’, Opens stuck/barred/locked portals) (D 6 turns +1/ level, R Caster, Move 20' vertical per round) (D 2 turns, R 60’+10'/level, Sense dir. not distance) (D 6 turns, R Coster, 1d dups., Attacks cancel one} (D Concentration, 8 240’, Concentrate, 20’ cube) (D 48 turns, R 10’, 10’ cube, Escape: 2d4 turns / burn: 1d6 dmg.) (D Permanent, R 10’, Any portal, Caster can bypass) TIER 3. Continual light Cure disease Growth of animal Locate object Remove curse Striking Cloirvoyance Dispel magic Fire ball Fly Haste Hold person Infravision Invisibility 10° radius Lightning bolt Protection from evil 10’ rad Protection f. normal missiles Water breathing TIER 4 (D Perm., R120", 30’ rad. light / blind / dispel dark) (0 Instant, R 30’, Cure disease / kill green slime) (D 12 turns, R 120’, Size/damage/max load x 2) (D 6 turns, R120’, Sense dir. not distance) (0 Instant, R Touch) (D 1 turn, R30’, 1 weapon: +1d6 damage, treated as magic) (D 12 turns, R 60’, See thru other's eyes, Focus 1 turn) (D Instant, R 120", End non-instant spells in 20° cube) (D Instant, R 240", 20’ radius sphere, 1d6 dmg,/level, SV ¥4) (D 1d6 t. +1/level, R Touch, Movement rate 360 (120')) (D 3 turns, R240’, 30° rad., 24 creatures, 2X speed and attacks) (D 1 turn/level, R 120’, Single (SV -2) or 1d4, SV Neg.) (D 1 day, R Touch, 60° infravision) (D Perm. until broken, R 120’, Att./spell ends} (0 Instant, R 180", 60’xS', 1d6 dmg,/level, SV %4) (D 12 turns, R 10’ around caster) (0 12 turns, R30’, Complete imm.) (D 1 day, R 30’, Single subject) Create water Cure serious wounds Neutralize poison Protection from evil Speak with plants Sticks to snakes Charm monster Confusion Dimension door Growth of plants Hallucinatory terrain ‘Massmorph Polymorph others Polymorph self Remove curse Wall of fire Wall of ice Wizard eye (D Permanent, R Touch, 50 gallons + SO/level above 6) (D Instant, R Touch, 246+2hp) (D Instant, R Touch, Revive within 10 rounds) (0 12 turns, R 10’ around caster) (D 3 turns, R30’, Choose normal or monstrous) (D éturns, R 120", 2d8 sticks, 50% poisonous} (D 1+ doys, R 120’, 1x>3HD / 3d6<, SV Negates) (D 12 rounds, R 120", 3d6 subj. within 60', SV Negates) (D1 round, R 10’, Location within 360") (D Permanent, R 120’, Up to 3,000 sq fi) (D Until touched, R 240’, Fit in range) (D Permanent, R'240', All within area) (D Permanent, R 60’, Max 2xHD, SV Negates) (D 6 turns +1/level, R Coster, Max HD = level) (D Instant, R Touch) (D Concentration, R 60", Up to 1,200 sq fi) (D 12 turns, R120", Up to 1,200 sq fi) (D 6 turns, R240’, Mv. 120°/ tun, Normal + infravision) TIER 5. Commune Create food Dispel evil Insect plague Quest Raise dead Animate dead Cloudkill Conjure elemental Contact higher plane Feeblemind Hold monster Magic jar Pass-wall Telekinesis Teleport Trans. rock to mud Wall of stone TIERS (D'S tums, R Caster, 3 yes/no questions, 6 once a year) (D Perm., R Caster’s pres., 12+ humans and mounts) (D Cone. (max 1 turn), R 30’, SV Destroy or flee) (D Cone. (max 1 day}, R480", 60’ diam., 20'/round) (D Until completed, R'30', SV Neg., Curse if quest refused) (D Instant, R 120’, Max 4 days/level above 7th, Weakness) (D Permanent, R 60’, Max HD = level) (D 6 turns, R30’, Per rd.: 1 dmg. +

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